San Juan Island National Historical Park

San Juan Island National Historical Park

Parks Directory of the United States / US National Parks / National Historical ParksAddress:PO Box 429
Friday Harbor, WA 98250

Size: 1,752 acres.
Established: Authorized on September 9, 1966.
Location:On San Juan Island in northwest Washington. Island is accessible via Washington State ferries from Anacortes, Washington, 83 miles north of Seattle; or from Sidney, British Columbia, 15 miles north of Victoria. Also accessible by private boat or by commercial flights from Bellingham and Seattle, Washington, to Friday Harbor. Park's two units include an English Camp, 9 miles northwest of Friday Harbor, and an American Camp, 6 miles southeast of Friday Harbor. Shuttle buses stop at both camps daily during the summer season with an abbreviated schedule during spring and fall.
Facilities:Picnic area, rest rooms (é), visitor center (é), museum/exhibit, self-guided tour/trail (é).
Activities:Hiking, living history programs, guided nature walks, bird-watching.
Special Features:Park marks the historic events on the island from 1853 to 1872 in connection with final settlement of the Oregon Territory's northern boundary, including the so-called Pig War of 1859. As the largest tract of public land on San Juan Island, the park includesmore than six miles of public shoreline and is also a primarydestination of hikers with a network of trails exploringwoodlands, prairie and uplands. As a stop along the Pacific flyway, thepark also provides temporary homes for more than 200 species ofmigratory birds.

See other parks in Washington.