artificial crown


 [krown] 1. the topmost part of an organ or structure, e.g., the top of the head.2. artificial crown.anatomical crown the upper, enamel-covered part of a tooth.  Anatomical and clinical crowns, demonstrating that the former are independent of the state of surrounding tissues while the latter depend on the height of the surrounding gingiva. From Dorland's, 2000.artificial crown a metal, porcelain, or plastic reproduction of a crown affixed to the remaining natural structure of a tooth.clinical crown that portion of a tooth visible above the gingiva.

ar·ti·fi·cial crown

a fixed restoration of the major part of the entire coronal part of a natural tooth; usually of gold, porcelain, or acrylic resin.

ar·ti·fi·cial crown

(ahr-ti-fishăl krown) Restoration and covering of the major part of the entire coronal part of a natural tooth.

ar·ti·fi·cial crown

(ahr-ti-fishăl krown) Fixed restoration of the major part of the entire coronal part of a natural tooth; usually of gold, porcelain, or acrylic resin.