


a publishing house that produced books in St. Petersburg (Petrograd) from 1906 to 1918. It was founded by the caricaturist Z. I. Grzhebin and S. Iu. Kopel’man. Its publications were designed by artists of the World of Art. Shipovnik published fiction, notably the works of L. N. Andreev and F. K. Sologub, as well as books by idealist philosophers and articles and papers on modern art. Shipovnik’s anthologies of fiction (books 1–26, 1907–17), in which writings of the symbolists predominated, were polemically opposed to Gorky’s Znanie collections. Beginning in 1910 the Shipovnik anthologies included numerous antirevolutionary works. The Northern Collections (books 1–7, 1907–11) acquainted readers with the foreign literature of the time. Collected works by Western European classical authors were published by Shipovnik.