Sutton disease

aph·thae ma·jor

This widely used phrase contains a grammatical discord, aphthae being plural and major singular.A severe form of aphthae characterized by unusually numerous, large, deep, and frequent ulcers; healing may take as long as 6 weeks and produce scarring. Synonym(s): Mikulicz aphthae, periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens, recurrent scarring aphthae, Sutton disease

aph·thae ma·jor

(af'thē mā'jŏr) A severe form of aphthae characterized by unusually numerous, large, deep, and frequent ulcers; healing may take as long as 6 weeks and results in scarring.
Synonym(s): Mikulicz aphthae, periadenitis mucosa necrotica recurrens, Sutton disease.


Richard Lightburn, Jr., 1915-1974, U.S. dermatologist, 1908-1990. Sutton disease - Synonym(s): Sutton nevusSutton nevus - a benign melanocytic nevus in which involution occurs with a central brown mole surrounded by a uniformly depigmented zone or halo. Synonym(s): halo nevus; Sutton diseaseSutton ulcer - a solitary, deep, painful ulcer of the buccal or genital mucous membrane.

per·i·ad·e·ni·tis mu·co·sa ne·cro·ti·ca re·cur·rens

(per'ē-ad-ĕ-nī'tis myū-kō'să ne-krot'i-kă rē-kŭr'enz) A severe form of aphthae characterized by unusually numerous, large, deep, and frequent ulcers; healing may take as long as 6 weeks and produce scarring.
Synonym(s): aphthae major, Mikulicz aphthae, recurrent scarring aphthae, recurring scarring aphthae, Sutton disease.