Sanilac Petroglyphs Historic State Park

Sanilac Petroglyphs Historic State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Michigan
Location:In Sanilac County, off Germania Road in Ubly, near Bad Axe.
Facilities:Self-guided trail.
Activities:Hiking, cross-country skiing.
Special Features:Etched into a sandstone outcrop by Native American artists 300 to 1,000years ago, the carvings depict panthers, deer, an archer, and more.They were discovered after forest fires swept the Lower Peninsula in1881 and are the only known ancient petroglyphs in Michigan. They arevery fragile and are available for viewing only via a use permit. Thearea containing the petroglyphic rock is fenced and is generally closedto the public, but the trail is open year round.
Address:c/o Sleeper State Park
6573 State Park Rd
Caseville, MI 48725

Size: 240 acres.

See other parks in Michigan.