



(both: so͞ong`jyäng`), former province (c.32,000 sq mi/82,880 sq km), NE China. MudanjiangMudanjiang
or Mutankiang
, city (1994 est. pop. 602,700), SE Heilongjiang prov., China. It is a railroad junction and a lumbering center in a rich timber region.
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 was the capital. It was one of nine provinces created in Manchuria by the Chinese Nationalist government after World War II. Since the Nationalists never gained effective control of Manchuria, the province existed only on paper. It was bordered on the east by the USSR, and along part of the southern border ran the Nen (Nonni) and Songhua rivers. In 1954, Songjiang became part of HeilongjiangHeilongjiang
or Heilungkiang
[Chin.,=black dragon river (the Amur)], province (2010 pop. 38,312,224), c.179,000 sq mi (463,730 sq km), NE China. The capital is Harbin.
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