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ship fever EncyclopediaSeetyphusship fever
ty·phus (tī'fŭs), In German, Typhus (abdominalis) refers to typhoid fever, not to typhus, which in German is called Fleckfieber or Flecktyphys.A group of acute infectious and contagious diseases, caused by rickettsiae that are transmitted by arthropods, and occurring in two principal forms: epidemic typhus and endemic (murine) typhus; typical symptoms include: severe headache, shivering and chills, high fever, malaise, and rash. Also called jail, camp, or ship fever. Synonym(s): camp fever (3) , jail fever, ship fever [G. typhos, smoke, stupor] Hildenbrand, Johann Valentin Edler von, Austrian physician, 1763-1818. Hildenbrand disease - disease caused by Rickettsia, transmitted by body lice. Synonym(s): camp fever; jail fever; ship fever |