Acronym | Definition |
PSH➣Prevention of Sexual Harassment (various organizations) |
PSH➣Push (flag) |
PSH➣Peneri Strycka Homeboye (Czech rap group) |
PSH➣PowerShell (Microsoft Windows) |
PSH➣Perl Shell |
PSH➣Physical Services Header |
PSH➣Proshow Slideshow |
PSH➣Property Sheet Header |
PSH➣Permanent Supportive Housing |
PSH➣Philip Seymour Hoffman (actor) |
PSH➣Piedmont Social House (Charlotte, NC) |
PSH➣Playstation Home (video game social networking service) |
PSH➣Parasternal Heave |
PSH➣Penn State Harrisburg |
PSH➣Past Surgical History |
PSH➣Peak Sun Hours |
PSH➣Payment Service Hub (various companies) |
PSH➣Primary State Highway (former Washington highway designation) |
PSH➣Pants-Shitting Hysteria |
PSH➣Personnel Screening Helpdesk |
PSH➣Part Service History (used car advertisement) |
PSH➣Private Subconscious-mind Healing |
PSH➣Phase-Separated Hydrocarbons |
PSH➣Parma Senior High |
PSH➣Part Shipment (cargo) |
PSH➣Pressure Safety High |
PSH➣Park Shin Hye (actress) |
PSH➣Pigskin Heaven |
PSH➣Plano Senior High |
PSH➣Pumped Storage Hydroelectric (energy storage) |
PSH➣Portable Space Heater |
PSH➣Port Sulphur High (Louisiana) |
PSH➣Peak Similarity Histogram |
PSH➣Personal Student Homepage |
PSH➣Prior Surgical History |
PSH➣Psychosocial Health |
PSH➣Pseudo Self-Heterodyne (modulation) |
PSH➣Payroll Services Hawaii (Hanalei, HI) |
PSH➣Porn Star Hair |
PSH➣Pre-encounter Self-Hatred |
PSH➣Permanent Shift of Hearing |
PSH➣Periarthritis Scapulohumeralis (arm injury) |