


an eastern Slavic tribal group that lived along the Dnestr River as far as the Black Sea and on the estuary of the Danube. They participated in the campaigns of Oleg (A.D. 907) and Igor’ (944) against Constantinople. From the mid-tenth century the Tivertsy were part of Kievan Rus’. By the 12th century, pressed by attacks from the Pechenegs and Polovtsy, they had moved north and gradually merged with neighboring Slavic tribes. The Dnestr-Prut interfluvial area contains evidence of several groups of Slavic settlements and fortified towns—for example, Alchedar and Ekimautsy—that are linked to the Tivertsy mentioned in chronicles. Archaeological findings on these sites include fortifications, dwellings, and artisans’ workshops.


Fedorov, G. B. “Tivertsy.” Vestnik drevnei istorii, 1952, no. 2.
Fedorov, G. B. “Naselenie iugo-zapada SSR v I-nachale II tysiache-letiia n.e.” Sovetskaia etnografiia, 1961, no. 5.