Tiulenii Island
Tiulenii Island
a low-lying sandy island in the northwestern part of the Caspian Sea. The island measures approximately 5 km in length and as much as 2 km in width. A settlement and a meteorological station are located there. The island supports commercial fishing in the summer and seal hunting in the winter.
Tiulenii Island
an island in the Sea of Okhotsk, near Sakhalin Island, south of Terpeniia Peninsula (USSR). Tiulenii Island is 636 m long and from 40 to 90 m wide, with a maximum elevation of 18 m. A remnant on the Sakhalin marine terrace, the island is composed of Upper Cretaceous clastic rocks. The island is a breeding ground of the northern fur seal, which is protected by strict limitations on hunting. Murres nest on the plateau and sea cliffs. Tiulenii Island has no fresh water and no trees.