

单词 psf



abbr. pounds per square foot


abbreviation for (Units) pounds per square foot


or p.s.f.,

pounds per square foot.
Noun1.PSF - a terrorist group of radical Palestinians who split with al-Fatah in 1967 but now have close relations with al-Fatah; staged terrorist attacks against Israel across the Lebanese borderPopular Struggle Frontact of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fearLebanese Republic, Lebanon - an Asian republic at east end of MediterraneanSyria, Syrian Arab Republic - an Asian republic in the Middle East at the east end of the Mediterranean; site of some of the world's most ancient centers of civilization



(mechanics) pound per square foot


Abbr. for “pounds per square foot.”


Print Services Facility


(Print Services Facility) Software from IBM that performs the printer rasterization for IBM's AFP and other page description languages. PSF products are available for IBM mainframes, AS/400 and RS/6000 series and output the IPDS format for IBM printers. Various versions also input and output PostScript and PCL (LaserJet) with PSF/AIX for the RS/6000 and SP2 mainframes being the most flexible and providing the most conversion capability.


PSFPer Square Foot
PSFPython Software Foundation
PSFPoint Spread Function
PSFPoint Spread Function (optics)
PSFPounds per Square Foot
PSFPrograma Saude da Familia (Portuguese: Family Health Program; Brazil)
PSFPolice and Security Force (UN)
PSFPower Steering Fluid
PSFPostscript Fonts (Adobe)
PSFPittsfield, Massachusetts
PSFPolysulfone (polymer)
PSFPresidio of San Francisco
PSFPosterior Spinal Fusion
PSFPolyester Staple Fiber (textiles)
PSFPerfect Sound Forever (online music magazine)
PSFPiste en Sable Fibré (French: Sand Track Bundle; racecourses)
PSFPeat Swamp Forest (conservation)
PSFParti Social Français (French: French Social Party)
PSFPermanent School Fund
PSFPoisson Summation Formula
PSFProtein Structure and Function
PSFPhelps-Stokes Fund (Washington, DC)
PSFPassenger Service Fee (India)
PSFPakistan Science Foundation
PSFPearson Scott Foresman (elementary educational publisher)
PSFPrint Services Facility
PSFPharmaciens Sans Frontieres
PSFProof Setup File
PSFPermanent Swap File
PSFPost Script File
PSFPlaystation Sound Format
PSFProcessing and Staging Facility
PSFPoint Spread Functions
PSFPartnership for Strong Families
PSFPakistan Squash Federation
PSFPatrimoine sans Frontieres (French: Heritage without Borders)
PSFPrivate Sector Foundation (Uganda)
PSFPublic School Finance (various locations)
PSFProfessional Service Firm
PSFPhoneme Segmentation Fluency (standardized test; Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills)
PSFPhilippine Special Force (video gaming group)
PSFPrime Source Forum (apparel industry)
PSFPortland Schools Foundation (Oregon)
PSFPhotonic Switch Fabric
PSFPastor's Seed Family
PSFPhilippine Sea Frontier (US Navy)
PSFPacific Select Fund
PSFPublic Sector Forum (various locations)
PSFProfessional Service Fee
PSFProject and Structured Finance (various organizations)
PSFProgressive Segmented Frame (video)
PSFPeace Support Force
PSFPlaystation Sound Format (file extension)
PSFPanama Sea Frontier (US Navy)
PSFPennsylvania Shakespeare Festival (est. 1992)
PSFPower Systems Facility (LERC Facility)
PSFPhenolic Surface Film (plywood)
PSFProduct Service Facility
PSFPresbyterian Student Fellowship
PSFPublic Service Fellowship (various schools)
PSFPerformance Shaping Factor (nuclear power)
PSFProteus Syndrome Foundation
PSFPeoples Students Federation (Pakistan)
PSFPublic Safety Factor (federal prison inmate security score)
PSFPriority Solidarity Fund
PSFProjet San Francisco
PSFPsychological Services for Families (Edmond, OK)
PSFPressure Sand Filter
PSFProgram Support Facility
PSFPeak Scatter Factor (radiation)
PSFPlastic Socket Female (piping)
PSFProof Setup File (Adobe Photoshop file extension)
PSFPusan Storage Facility
PSFPukhtun Students Federation
PSFPlanetary Super Freighter (gaming)
PSFPracticing Spoken French
PSFPendejos Sin Fronteras (foreign supporters of Hugo Chavez)
PSFPrinting Support Facility
PSFProcurement Status File
PSFPilot Symbol Filter
PSFPredictable Suicide Fanatics (gaming clan)
PSFPressure Single Filer
PSFPay Service File
PSFProbabilistic Spectrum Fitting
PSFPencak Silat of France
PSFPersonal Security File (Australia)
PSFPeriodic Symmetric Function (computational mathematics)
PSFPerennialized Stream Flow


  • noun

Synonyms for PSF

noun a terrorist group of radical Palestinians who split with al-Fatah in 1967 but now have close relations with al-Fatah


  • Popular Struggle Front

Related Words

  • act of terrorism
  • terrorism
  • terrorist act
  • Lebanese Republic
  • Lebanon
  • Syria
  • Syrian Arab Republic




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