释义 |
-shipsuff.1. a. Quality, state, or condition: scholarship.b. Something that shows or possesses a quality, state, or condition: courtship.2. Rank, status, or office: professorship.3. Art, skill, or craft: penmanship.4. A collective body: readership. [Middle English, from Old English -scipe.]-ship suffix forming nouns 1. indicating state or condition: fellowship. 2. indicating rank, office, or position: lordship. 3. indicating craft or skill: horsemanship; workmanship; scholarship. [Old English -scipe; compare shape]ship (ʃɪp) n., v. shipped, ship•ping. n. 1. a vessel, esp. a large oceangoing one propelled by sails or engines. 2. a sailing vessel square-rigged on all of three or more masts, having jibs, staysails, and a spanker on the aftermost mast. 3. the crew and passengers of a vessel. 4. an airship, airplane, or spacecraft. v.t. 5. to send or transport by ship, rail, truck, plane, etc. 6. to take in (water) over the side, as a vessel does when waves break over it. 7. to bring into a ship or boat: Ship the anchor. 8. to engage (a person) for service on a ship. 9. to fix in a ship or boat in the proper place for use: Ship the oars. 10. to send away: We shipped the kids off to camp. v.i. 11. to go on board or travel by ship; embark. 12. to engage to serve on a ship. 13. ship out, a. to leave, esp. for another country or assignment. b. to send away, esp. to another country or assignment. c. to quit, resign, or be fired from a job: Shape up or ship out! 14. ship over, to reenlist, esp. in the navy. Idioms: 1. run a tight ship, to exercise strict control over a company, organization, or the like. 2. when or if one's ship comes in or home, when or if one finally becomes wealthy. [before 900; (n.) Middle English; Old English scip, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon, Old Norse, Gothic skip, Old High German scif] ship′less, adj. -ship a noun-forming suffix denoting state or condition, usu. added to personal nouns: friendship; kinship; statesmanship. [Middle English, Old English -scipe; akin to shape; c. dial. Frisian, dial. Dutch schip] EncyclopediaSeeshipLegalSeeShip |