(pseudonym of Abul’gasan Alibaba ogly Alekperzade). Born 1906, in Başkale. Azerbaijani Soviet writer. Graduated from the Baku Teaching Institute (1932). Was a teacher. Took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45. Works printed since 1927. In his stories of the 1920’s and 1930’s, Abul’gasan created positive images of women. Abul’gasan is one of the trailblazers of the contemporary novel in Azerbaijan. His novels Ascents (1930) and The World Is Falling In (1933) are devoted to the collectivization of agriculture and to the founding of Soviet power in the countryside. The events of the Great Patriotic War and the defense of Sevastopol’ are reflected in the novel Bastions of Friendship (parts 1–4, 1948–67) and in the stories Sons and Fathers, Lieutenant Shcherban, and Meeting Place. The satirical tale The Grandsons of Old Tamasha (1957) is directed against remnants of the old way of life.
Abul’gasan was awarded the Badge of Honor.
Tärs adamlar. Baku, 1967.In Russian translation:
Mir rushitsia. Moscow, 1967.
Ocherk istorii azerbaidzhanskoi sovetskoi literatury. Moscow, 1963. Pages 461–476.A. MIRAKHMEDOV