释义 |
pseudomelanosis pseudomelanosis [soo″do-mel″ah-no´sis] pigmentation of tissues after death by blood pigments.pseu·do·mel·a·no·sis (sū'dō-mel'ă-nō'sis), A dark greenish or blackish postmortem discoloration of the surface of the abdominal viscera, resulting from the action of sulfureted hydrogen on the iron of disintegrated hemoglobin. [pseudo- + G. melas, black] pseu·do·mel·a·no·sis (sū'dō-mel'ă-nō'sis) Dark greenish or blackish postmortem discoloration of the abdominal viscera, due to the action of sulfureted hydrogen on disintegrated hemoglobin iron. [pseudo- + G. melas, black] |