Somogyi effect

Somogyi effect (phenomenon)

 [so-mo´ gee] a rebound phenomenon occurring in diabetes mellitus; overtreatment with insulin" >insulin induces hypoglycemia" >hypoglycemia, which initiates the release of epinephrine, ACTH, glucagon, and growth hormone, which stimulate lipolysis, gluconeogenesis, and glycogenolysis, which, in turn, result in rebound hyperglycemia and ketosis.

Indications that the Somogyi effect may be taking place include the following: (1) the appearance of strongly positive tests for sugar and acetone in the urine within a few hours after a period in which the urine had been negative for both tests, (2) a 2 per cent glycosuria all day preceded by nocturnal sweating, headaches, and other symptoms of hypoglycemia, (3) unresponsiveness of insulin during the period of rebound hyperglycosuria, (4) wide fluctuations in blood glucose levels, over several hours, and unrelated to meals, and (5) improved control of blood sugar levels and ketonuria with gradual reduction in the amount of insulin taken. Treatment consists of gradual reduction of the insulin dose until the optimum dose is reached.

So·mog·yi ef·fect

(sō-mō'jē), in diabetes, a rebound phenomenon of reactive hyperglycemia in response to a preceding period of relative hypoglycemia that has increased secretion of hyperglycemic agents (for example, epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon, cortisol, and growth hormone); described in diabetic patients given too much insulin who developed unrecognized nocturnal hypoglycemia that made them hyperglycemic (suggesting insufficient insulin) when tested the next morning.

Somogyi effect

Rebound hyperglycemia A phenomenon described in diabetics in whom hyperglycemia is a counter-regulatory overcompensation to nocturnal hypoglycemia. See Dawn phenomenon, Glucose tolerance test, Subcutaneous insulin-resistance syndrome.

So·mog·yi ef·fect

, Somogyi phenomenon (sō-mō'jē e-fekt', fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) A rebound phenomenon of reactive hyperglycemia following a period of relative hypoglycemia, which may be subclinical and difficult to detect; the hyperglycemia induces use of more insulin, thus aggravating the problem.


Michael, U.S. biochemist, 1883-1971. Somogyi effect - in diabetes, a rebound phenomenon of reactive hyperglycemia in response to a preceding period of relative hypoglycemia.Somogyi methodSomogyi unit - a measure of the level of activity of amylase in blood serum.

So·mog·yi ef·fect

, Somogyi phenomenon (sō-mō'jē e-fekt', fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) In diabetes, a rebound phenomenon of reactive hyperglycemia in response to a preceding period of relative hypoglycemia that has increased secretion of hyperglycemic agents.