Shilo, Nikolai Alekseevich

Shilo, Nikolai Alekseevich


Born Mar. 25 (Apr. 7), 1913, in Piatigorsk. Soviet geologist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970; corresponding member, 1964). Hero of Socialist Labor (1973). Member of the CPSU from 1941.

After graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Mines in 1937, Shilo worked for various geological institutions in the northeastern part of the USSR. In 1960 he became director of the Northeastern Integrated Scientific Research Institute of the Far East Scientific Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, located in Magadan. He has been chairman of the presidium of the Far East Scientific Center since 1977.

Shilo’s main works deal with the study of the geology and geochemistry of mineral deposits, including gold, silver, tin, mercury, tungsten, platinum, and copper. Shilo developed a genetic classification of gold deposits and identified periglacial lithogenesis, revealing the mechanism of rock formation in periglacial zones.

Shilo has been awarded two Orders of Lenin, three other orders, and medals.


“Klassifikatsiia rossypei Iano-Kolymskogo zolotonosnogo poiasa.” In Geokhimiia, petrografiia i mineralogüa osadochnykh obrazovanii. Moscow, 1963.
“Glavneishie cherty zolotogo i zoloto-serebrianogo orudeneniia vostochnoaziatskikh vulkanogennykh poiasov.” In Problemy metallogenii Sovetskogo Dal’nego Vostoka. Moscow, 1967.


“N. A. Shilo.” Novye dannye po geologii Severo-Vostoka SSSR: K 60-letiiu akademika Nikolaia Alekseevicha Shilo. Magadan, 1973.