Sand Ridge State Forest

Sand Ridge State Forest

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:Southwest of Peoria and 1.5 miles northwest of Forest City in Mason County.
Facilities:27 Class C campsites, 12 backcountry primitive sites, organized groupcampground, equestrian camping area with hitching rails, water, pittoilets, and a shelter area, picnic area with shelter, hiking trails(44 miles), equestrian trails (55 miles), snowmobile trails (26 miles),historic site, archery range, hand trap shooting range.
Activities:Camping, hiking, horseback riding, snowmobiling, shooting, hunting, birdwatching.
Special Features:Largest of the state forests in Illinois, Sand Ridge is the result of aprehistoric dry period when more desert-like conditions existed. It isone of the few places in the state with a variety of plants and animalsmore commonly associated with the southwest than the midwest, includingthe badger, pocket gopher, silvery bladderpod, and prickly pear cactus. SandRidge Forest is also an important nesting area for such neo-tropicalmigratory birds as the ovenbird, indigo bunting, veery, and scarlettanager.
Address:PO Box 111
Forest City, IL 61532

Size: 7,200 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.