Stephen C. Foster State Park

Stephen C. Foster State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Georgia
Location:18 miles northeast of Fargo via GA 177.
Facilities:66 tent/trailer/RV campsites, pioneer campground, 9 cottages, 3 picnicshelters, nature trail, 25 miles of day-use waterways, boat ramp, canoeand fishing boat rentals, visitor/interpretive center.
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, wildlife viewing, swamp boat tours, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Named after well-known songwriter Stephen Foster, the park is located within Okefenokee National WildlifeRefuge (see entry in national wildlife refuge section) and is a primaryentrance to the famed Okefenokee Swamp. Visitors can view lushvegetation or look for alligators, turtles, raccoon, black bear, deer,birds, and other creatures while on the park's elevated boardwalk trailor on a guided boat trip; or they can rent a boat or canoe to explorethe swamp further.
Address:17515 Hwy 177
Fargo, GA 31631

Size: 80 acres.

See other parks in Georgia.