

单词 trypanosoma






a genus of protozoans of the class Flagellata that parasitize the blood and tissues of vertebrates, including man. There are several dozen species, many of which are pathogenic. The body is spindle-shaped and has a single nucleus. The flagellum originates in the cytoplasm of the posterior third of the body from the basal corpuscle. It protrudes freely and forms an undulating membrane with the fold of the pellicle. Alongside it is a kinetoplast, a mitochondrion-like organelle that abounds in DNA. Members of the genus reproduce by longitudinal division. There is no sexual process. Most species penetrate into the body of a vertebrate animal or man through transmitters, usually in-sects. The insects either transmit the parasites mechanically with their piercing mouth parts or serve as temporary hosts to the parasites, which reproduce and undergo a succession of morphological changes, becoming crithidiae and leptomonae.

T. gambiense and T. rhodesiense are pathogenic for man; they cause African sleeping sickness, transmitted by flies of the genus Glossina. T. evansi (the causative agent of surra) and T. brucei (the causative agent of nagana) parasitize cattle in Africa and India. In the USSR, camels suffer from su-auru, caused by T. ninaekohlyakimovi, and horses and donkeys suffer from dourine, caused by T. equiperdum.




 [tri″pan-o-so´mah] a multispecies genus of protozoa parasitic in the blood and lymph of invertebrates and vertebrates, including humans; most species live part of their life cycle in the intestines of insects and other invertebrates, the typical adult stage being found only in the vertebrate host. T. gambien´se and T. rhodesien´se cause the Gambian and Rhodesian forms of trypanosomiasis" >African trypanosomiasis in humans, and T. cru´zi causes trypanosomiasis" >American trypanosomiasis. Other species cause diseases in domestic animals.Life cycle of the etiologic agents of sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma gambiense and T. rhodesiense). From Mahon and Manuselis, 2000.


(tri-pan'ō-sō'mă, trip'ă-nō-), A genus of asexual digenetic protozoan flagellates (family Trypanosomatidae) that have a spindle-shaped body with an undulating membrane on one side, a single anterior flagellum, and a kinetoplast; they are parasitic in the blood plasma of many vertebrates (only a few being pathogenic) and as a rule have an intermediate host, a bloodsucking invertebrate, such as a leech, tick, or insect; pathogenic species cause trypanosomiasis in humans and other diseases in domestic animals. [G. trypanon, an auger, + sōma, body]


(trī-pan'ō-sō'mă) A genus of asexual digenetic protozoan flagellates that are parasitic in the blood plasma of many vertebrates and as a rule have an intermediate host, a bloodsucking invertebrate such as a leech, tick, or insect; pathogenic species cause trypanosomiasis in humans. [G. trypanon, an auger, + sōma, body]


(tri-pan″ŏ-sō-mă) [Gr. trypanon, borer + Gr. sōma, a body] TRYPANOSOMA CRUZI: (Orig. mag. ×1000)A genus of parasitic, flagellate protozoa found in the blood of many vertebrates, including humans. The protozoa are transmitted by insect vectors. The only two species relevant for disease in humans are T. brucei and T. cruzi. See: illustration

Trypanosoma brucei

A species with three subspecies: T. brucei brucei, T. brucei gambiense, and T. brucei rhodesiense. The subspecies T. brucei brucei causes a wasting disease in cattle called nagana but does not produce disease in humans. The subspecies T. brucei gambiense causes African sleeping sickness in western and central Africa. The subspecies T. brucei rhodesiense, transmitted by the tsetse fly, causes African sleeping sickness in eastern and southern Africa.

Trypanosoma cruzi

The causative agent of American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease). It is transmitted by triatomids (bloodsucking insects of the family Reduviidae).




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