Remak reflex

Re·mak re·flex

(rā'mahk), plantar flexion of the first three toes and, sometimes, the foot with extension of the knee induced by stroking of the upper anterior surface of the thigh; it occurs when the conducting paths in the cord are interrupted.

Re·mak re·flex

(rā'mahk rē'fleks) Plantar flexion of the first three toes and, sometimes, the foot with extension of the knee induced by stroking of the upper anterior surface of the thigh; it occurs when the conducting paths in the cord are interrupted.


Ernst Julius, German neurologist, 1848-1911. Remak reflex - plantar flexion of the first three toes with extension of the knee induced by stroking of the upper anterior surface of the thigh.Remak sign - dissociation of the sensations of touch and of pain in tabes dorsalis.