San Diego National Wildlife Refuge

San Diego National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:13910 Lyons Valley Rd, Suite R
Jamul, CA 91935

Established: 1997.
Location:Southwest California, about 15 miles southeast of San Diego.
Activities:Hiking, wilidlife observation, eductional programs.
Special Features:A number of threatened and endangered plant species exist on refuge lands including San Diego mesa mint, San Diego button celery, California Orcutt grass, Otay Mesa mint, Del Mar manzanita, and Orcutt's spineflower.
Habitats: 4,224 acres of mainly coastal sage scrub, chapparal, freshwater marsh, oak woodland.
Access: Limited; contact refuge office.
Wild life: Least Bell's vireo, coastal California gnatcatcher, quino checkerspot (butterfly), and San Diego horned lizard.

See other parks in California.