

单词 shift work

shift work


shift work

shift work

[′shift ‚wərk] (industrial engineering) Work paid for by day wage.

shift work

the organization of work into relays. Most common, within the UK, is the double day-shift, but three and four continuous 24-hour shift working is carried out in about a quarter of all work places (Millward and Stevens, 1986). The main reasons for shift working are to maximize the utilization of plant and equipment and thereby reduce costs, and to meet production targets and deadlines. It is also the case that certain industrial processes are, by their nature, continuous. This is particularly so with the continuous process technology associated with the petrochemical industry Workers’ experience of shift work is that it is generally disruptive to their family and social life and deleterious to their health and physical wellbeing (Gallie, 1978). Shift work is also commonly found among professional and technical workers associated with human services, notably in health care, but also covering commercial activities such as air transport. Here the pattern of recruitment and promotion (i.e. ANTICIPATORY SOCIALIZATION) may alter the workers’ perceptions of the disruptions that shift work causes to their lives.

shift work

shift work

Work in a hospital, company, factory (e.g., automobile, petrochemical or textile factory), or other business that is open and operating 24/7 or hours outside of the usual “9 to 5” business hours.
Shift workers suffer increased risk of fatigue-related accidents, and an increased risk of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disease, infertility, and insomnia; for example, on-the-job fatigue and drowsiness in shift workers was linked to the Challenger space shuttle explosion. SW may be related to an increased in TGs (1.26 mmol/L (112 mg/dL) vs 1.03 mmol/L (91 mg/dL) in normal controls); the cause of this increase is uncertain, but may be related to stress, disturbed circadian rhythm, or the result of night snacking with less efficient removal of TGs. 20% of workers adapt poorly to SW, as it requires abrupt changes in the circadian rhythm; diabetes and epilepsy are exacerbated by SW, and autonomic dysfunction is common.

shift work

A staffing arrangement in which some employees work during the day and others in the evening or at night. Shift work is a common method of scheduling used in many industries to maximize productivity over a 24-hr day and in health care, where patients' needs may arise at any time of the day or night. A great number of persons work regularly at night, either on a permanent or rotating schedule. In most of these workers, adaptation to the altered work schedule is imperfect; sleep disturbances and other medical and psychosocial problems have often been found in shift workers. Among other problems, many night-time or rotating shift workers often have family obligations during the day, which compromise their ability to obtain adequate rest before or after work. See also: work

shift work

shift work

a method of organizing work which enables production or services to be operated beyond normal working hours. Employees'working days are known as shifts and may be timed to commence at varying times of the day or night. Where shifts are of equal lengths it is common for employees to rotate around them, working, say ‘earlies’ one week, ‘lates’ the next.

There are several forms of shift work:

  1. double-day shifts, where there are two shifts of equal length each working day usually 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.;
  2. three-shift working, where there are three shifts of equal length so that operations can be maintained round the clock either throughout the week including weekends (continuous) or from Monday to Friday (discontinuous). Where there are peaks of activity, a four-shift system can be used to provide some overlap at certain times of the day;
  3. continental shift, where there is a three-shift system but workers change from shift to shift every two or three days rather than each week;
  4. split-shift working, where an employee's working day is cut in two, with a middle period off duty This may be found in industries such as public transport, where demand peaks in the early morning and late afternoon;
  5. permanent night shifts, where a separate group of employees work solely at night, thereby achieving the benefit of an extended working day but without disturbing the working patterns of day employees;
  6. ‘twilight’ shift working, where a separate group of part-time workers (see PART-TIME WORK) take over from the day shift in the late afternoon and work through until mid or late evening. By this method the productive day is extended but some of the costs of shift work are avoided, such as the need to pay a shift premium (see below).

Most shift systems involve a regular pattern of signing-on times but in some cases, for example the railway industry, signing-on times vary from day to day (though they usually broadly correspond to a three-shift working system).

The benefits of shift work to employers include more intensive use of production facilities and, especially in service industries, the capacity to adapt operations to the pattern of demand. Also, some forms of technology, for example in the chemical industry, need to be operated continuously and require some form of shift working. Maintaining productivity in shift work can be problematic, however. People are generally less productive in the small hours of the night, whilst control of performance may be ineffective (witness the occasional media horror stories about night-shift workers getting a good night's sleep alongside their machines). It is recognized that shift work imposes costs on employees, chiefly in the disruption to their social and domestic life. For this reason it is common for some form of shift premium to be paid on top of the hourly pay rate, especially when night work is involved. There is also some evidence that frequent changes to waking hours damage body rhythms and can be harmful to health in the long term.





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