Shidlovskii, Sergei

Shidlovskii, Sergei Illiodorovich


Born 1861; died 1922. Russian political figured-large-scale landowner; Octobrist.

Shidlovskii became a member of the administrative board of the Peasant Land Bank in 1900; in 1905 he was made director of the department of agriculture, but he resigned from the post in 1906. Thereafter, he served in a zemstvo (local self-government) institution and engaged in agriculture. Shidlovskii was assistant chairman of the Third State Duma and headed the left wing of the Octobrist Party in the Fourth State Duma. From 1915 to 1917 he was chairman of the bureau of the Progressive Bloc.

During the February Revolution, Shidlovskii served on the Provisional Executive Committee of the State Duma, and in the Provisional Government he was a member of the Central Committee. He took part in the Moscow State Conference of 1917 and served in the Preparliament. He was a member of the counterrevolutionary Council of Public Figures in 1917.

Shidlovskii withdrew from active politics in 1918 and emigrated in 1920.