San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge
San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge
Douglas, AZ 85607
Established: 1982.
Location:In the southeast corner of Arizona, on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Activities:Hunting, hiking.
Special Features:The refuge contains an abundance of butterflies, dragonflies, damselflies, and other invertebrates, including many unique tropical species, and some that have been documented within the U.S. at the refuge.NWR.
Habitats: 2,309 acres of Chihuahuan desert scrub, desert grassland, mesquite bosque, fallow fields, artesian wells and seeps, woodland, riparian scrub, marshlands and water.
Access: Visits require a special-use permit, available at refuge office.
Wild life: Endangered native fishes including Yaqui chub, Yaqui topminnow, Yaqui beautiful shiner, and Yaqui catfish. Also provides habitat for Virginia rail, ringneck duck, Mexican duck, sandhill cranes, hummingbirds, javelina, mountain lion, coatimundi, rattlesnakes, gila monster, and Mandrean alligator lizard.
See other parks in Arizona.