

单词 psa



1. prostatic specific antigen: an enzyme secreted by the prostate gland, increased levels of which are found in the blood of patients with cancer of the prostate 2. (in New Zealand) Public Service Association


(immunology) prostate specific antigen


Problem Statement Analizer. See PSL/PSA.


(Professional Services Automation) An information system designed to organize, track and manage all opportunities, work, resources, costs, revenues and invoices to improve the productivity and efficiency of the workforce. It is primarily targeted toward professional service organizations (PSOs), such as IT consulting firms and accounting firms, or professional service divisions (PSDs) within a company that bill for services performed by their employees.

From Start to Finish
An integrated system supports all phases of the project from first contact to collecting cash and posting revenue. The initial data may be derived from a CRM system when the project is ready to be assessed, or it can be managed entirely within the PSA system. PSA systems help convert the sizing and scoping of a project (the presales effort) into implementation timetables.

Key Functions
PSA systems provide resource management and information sharing and reserve and assign personnel based on skills, availability, career goals and travel preferences. A key element is Web-based data entry so that consultants can record their time and expenses on the job for efficient billing and project and customer management. For companies that sell products, the system may integrate inventory and billing.

As an example of integrated systems, the following functions are supported in Lawson Software's PSA suite. See CRM.

Contact Management
Opportunity Management
Client Management
Contract Management
Project/Engagement Management
Knowledge Management
Resource Management
Resource Assignments and Scheduling
Time and Expense Reporting
Project Accounting
Billing and Revenue Management



Abbreviation for prostate-specific antigen.


abbr.1. prostate-specific antigen2. public service announcement


Prostate-specific antigen. A 34-kD glycoprotein serine protease (formally, kallikrein-related peptidase 3) encoded by KLK3 on chromosome 19q13.41, which has significant homology with other neutral proteases. It is secreted exclusively by the prostate epithelium and is responsible for lysing the seminal coagulum; it is present in the serum and is increased in patients with both benign (acute inflammation and BPH) and malignant (cancer) prostate lesions;. Most serum PSA is bound to protease inhibitors, including alpha1-antichymotrypin (the form usually measured in the lab), alpha1-macroglobulin, and in far lower amounts to alpha1-antitrypsin; small amounts of PSA in the circulation are not bound—i.e., free—to a carrier protein. Prostate cancer is present in 22% of those with PSA levels above 4.0 µg/L, and 60% of those with levels above 10 µg/L.


Prostate-specific antigen Urology A 34 kD glycoprotein serine protease with significant homology with other neutral proteases; PSA is secreted exclusively by the prostate epithelium and is responsible for lysing the seminal coagulum; it is present in the serum and is ↑ in Pts with both benign–acute inflammation and BPH and malignant–CA prostate lesions; most serum PSA is bound to protease inhibitors, including α1-antichymotrypin–the form usually measured in the lab, α1-macroglobulin, and in far lower amounts to α1-antitrypsin; small amounts of PSA in the circulation are not bound–ie, free—to a carrier protein; prostate CA is present in 22% of those with PSA levels above 4.0 µg/L, 60% of those with levels above 10 µg/L


Abbreviation for prostate-specific antigen.



PSA (Prostate specific antigen)

A tumor marker associated with prostate cancer.Mentioned in: Tumor Markers

Patient discussion about PSA

Q. Would kidney stones affect a PSA reading? Would drinking lots of grapefruit juice affect a PSA reading? My husband's PSA reading jumped from a 4.2 to a 17 in @ 2 years' time. How can that be? This man takes all sorts of supplements and really watches his diet. He also takes good care of his body, and does NOT look or act 68.A. You should get your parathyroid gland checked out. Your calcium level might be causing the kidney stones.

Q. Rising PSA to 10 with two negative biospies? Expect cancer? 67 yrs old in good health otherwise.A. High values don't always mean it's cancer. At 67 years old, you're prostate is most likely enlarging, resulting in the higher PSA results. And after two negative biopsies, it sounds like you're in the clear. Like Brandon said though, keep up with your regular check ups.
Source: http://www.northshore.org/healthresources/encyclopedia/encyclopedia.aspx?Version=Q3_08&DocumentHwid=hw5522&ViewHwid=hw5548

More discussions about PSA



See: Public Securities Association.

Security Industry and Financial Markets Association

Formerly known as the Public Securities Association, a professional organization for banks, broker-dealers, and other organizations that underwrite securities. It serves as a lobbying group and provides education and training to members and non-members. It maintains offices in New York, Washington DC, and London, with affiliated offices in Hong Kong and other locations.


PSAPublic Service Announcement
PSAProstate-Specific Antigen (test)
PSAPhotographic Society of America
PSAProfessional Services Automation
PSAPressure Sensitive Adhesive
PSAPublic Service Association (New Zealand)
PSAPsoriatic Arthritis
PSAPseudomonas Aeruginosa (pathogen)
PSAPharmaceutical Society of Australia
PSAPacific Southwest Airlines
PSAPolar Surface Area
PSAPsychosocial Assessment
PSAPseudo-Spectral Acceleration (earthquakes)
PSAProfessional Squash Association
PSAPlesk Server Administrator (SWsoft)
PSAProduction Sharing Agreement
PSAPublic Service Agreement (UK government)
PSAProfessional Skaters Association (Rochester, MN, USA)
PSAPublic Sector Accounting
PSAPennsylvania State Archives
PSAProbabilistic Sensitivity Analysis (economics)
PSAPatient Services Assistant
PSAPlastic Surgery Associates (various locations)
PSAPoetry Society of America
PSAPersonal Savings Account
PSAPrivate Sector Assessment
PSAPerformance Spectrum Analyzer (Agilent Technologies)
PSAProudly South African (marketing campaign)
PSAPsychological First Aid
PSAParticle-Size Analysis (Comparative grain size of soil, stone, and other building materials)
PSAPolysaccharide A (bacteria)
PSAProduct Service Associate (various companies)
PSAPolitical Studies Association
PSAPassenger Service Agent (airlines)
PSAPolice Service Area
PSAPolice Service Area (Washington, DC)
PSAPetroleum Safety Authority (Norway)
PSAPhilosophy of Science Association
PSAPastel Society of America
PSAPlatform Security Architecture (Arm Ltd.)
PSAProbabilistic Safety Assessment
PSAPoultry Science Association
PSAPrivate Security Authority (Ireland)
PSAPediatric Services of America (various locations)
PSAPublic Service Administration (various schools)
PSAPrimary Service Area (various organizations)
PSAProfessional Services Applications
PSAProduct Specific Attribute
PSAProvider Stationary Agent
PSAPortable Sport Audio
PSAPersonal Shopping Assistant
PSAParallel Signature Analysis
PSAProgram Start Address
PSAPeugeot Societe Anonyme
PSAPrint Server Appliance
PSAPhp Site Admin
PSAProcess Save Area
PSAPrefixed Storage Area
PSAPrefixed Save Area
PSAPhysical Sector Address
PSAPrograma Social Agropecuario (Spanish: Agricultural Social Program; Argentina)
PSAPoint Source Audio (Novato, CA)
PSAProblem Statement Analyzer
PSAPlataforma Solar de Almeria (Spain)
PSAPotato Sucrose Agar
PSAPort of Singapore Authority
PSAPurchase and Sale Agreement
PSAPostal Services Act (various locations)
PSAPublic Securities Association
PSAPolysialic Acid
PSAProfessional Services Agreement
PSAPublic Service Alliance (various locations)
PSAPreferred Spin Axis (bowling)
PSAPassenger Shipping Association (UK shipping)
PSAPublic Service Activity (various schools)
PSAPlanning and Service Area
PSAPenal Substitutionary Atonement (Christianity)
PSAPartnership for a Secure America (bipartisan foreign policy initiative)
PSAPakistani Students Association
PSAPersonal Service Agentur (Deutsche Telekom inhouse employment agency)
PSAPago por Servicios Ambientales (Spanish: Payment for Environmental Services; compensation program)
PSAProduct Support Agreement
PSAPacific Sociological Association
PSAProbabilistic Safety Analysis
PSAParasternal Short Axis (cardiology)
PSAPlanning Scheme Amendment (Australia)
PSAPacific Science Association
PSAProduction-Sharing Contract
PSAPooling and Servicing Agreement
PSAProtection Suisse des Animaux
PSAPublic Service Advertisement
PSAPatient Support Assistant (health care)
PSAPhilmont Staff Association
PSAPost Shakedown Availability (US Navy)
PSAPretrial Services Agency
PSAProperty Settlement Agreement
PSAPressure Swing Absorption
PSAPublic Services Association
PSAProgressive Student Alliance
PSAPhycological Society of America
PSAPublic Sector Agency
PSAPrincipal Staff Assistant (OSD)
PSAPrivate School Affidavit (California Department of Education)
PSAProtective Services for Adults
PSAProfessional Staff Association (Maricopa County, AZ community college system)
PSAProperty Services Agency
PSAPartido Socialista de Andalucía (Socialist Party of Andalucia, Spain)
PSAProtein Sequence Analysis
PSAPersonal Satellite Assistant
PSAPhysician Scarcity Area
PSAProject South Asia (digital library)
PSAPublic Speaking Anxiety
PSAPublic Sector Agreement
PSAPlease See Attached (email threads)
PSAPensacola Sports Association (Pensacola, FL)
PSAProtective Security Advisor
PSAPower Supply Adapter
PSAProfessional Service Association
PSAProtein Specific Antigen
PSAPersonal Search Agent (job search)
PSAPacing System Analyzer
PSAPreliminary Site Assessment (environmental consulting)
PSAParents Staff Association (various locations)
PSAProfessional Sales Associate
PSAPower System Analysis
PSAPort Security Assessment
PSAPetroleum Supply Annual (US Department of Energy)
PSAPublication Services of America (lifestyle magazines; West Palm Beach, FL)
PSAPerformance Stock Award (finance)
PSAPeugeot Société Anonyme (French company/manufacturer of Peugeot and Citroen vehicles)
PSAPerinatal Substance Abuse
PSAPersonnel Support Activity
PSAPervasive System Analyzer
PSAPersistent Staging Area (SAP Business Intelligence)
PSAPenguin Secret Agency (gaming clan)
PSAProduct Sharing Agreement
PSAPartido Socialista Auténtico (Authentic Socialist Party, Argentina)
PSAPortrait Society of Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)
PSAPuget Soundkeeper Alliance
PSAPower Supply Agreement
PSAProfessional Standards Advisory (Public Relations Society of America)
PSAPublic Stadium Authority (Washington)
PSAPrecision Strike Association
PSAParalysis Society of America
PSAProject Smash Attack
PSAPotentiometric Stripping Analysis
PSAPsychology Students' Association
PSAProtezione Svizzera degli Animali
PSAPurchased Service(s) Agreement
PSAPatient Support Assembly (medical equipment)
PSAPort Support Activity
PSAPuget Sound Alliance (est. 1984; Washington)
PSAPleasant Sunday Afternoon (UK rugby club)
PSAParameter-Sweep Application
PSAPrincipal Scientific Advisor
PSAPartnership South Africa (US and South Africa)
PSAParcel Shippers Association
PSAProtection Sports Association
PSAPhoenix Shooters Association (UK, target shooting)
PSAPeruvian Student Association (various organizations)
PSAPressure Swing Adsorber
PSAPooled Separate Account (IRS Form 5500)
PSAProgramme on Space Applications (UN)
PSAPatient Staging Area
PSAPlymouth Society of Artists (UK)
PSAPilot Symbol Assisted
PSAProject Support Agreement
PSAPolySubstance Abuse
PSAPlastic Surgery Addiction
PSAPhilippine Statistical Association
PSAPresbyterian Student Association
PSAPrepayment Standard Assumption
PSAPisa, Italy - G Galilei (Airport Code)
PSAPer Store Average
PSAParrot Society of Australia
PSAPersonal Service Assistant
PSAProduct-Specific Attribute
PSAProgrammable Services Architecture (Nortel)
PSAPennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists
PSAPotter Slash Archive (fanfiction)
PSAPhilippine Society of Anesthesiologists
PSAPacket Switching ASIC (Cisco)
PSAPrinceton Soccer Association (Princeton, NJ)
PSAPunjabi Students Association (Pakistan)
PSAProcedures & Standards Administration (of ANSI)
PSAPlant Systems Audit (USDA)
PSAPhase Shift Analysis
PSAProvince Senior Advisor (Vietnam)
PSAProgram Support Agreement
PSAPortable Sanitation Association International
PSAProvisional Site Acceptance
PSAPresident's Scout Award
PSAPersonal Shopping Advisor
PSAPre-Delivery Service Agent (network service payments)
PSAPharmacy Service Associate
PSAPot Smokers of America
PSAProvisional System Acceptance
PSAProxy Signalling Agent
PSAPower Supplied to the Antenna
PSAPakistan Scrabble Association
PSAPublic Service Ambassador
PSAPulse Shaping Amplifier
PSAPay Systems of America (payroll processing company)
PSAPakistan Society of Anaesthesiologists
PSAPeel Summer Academy (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)
PSAPath Signature Analysis
PSAPort of Singapore Association
PSAPassenger Services Act of 1886
PSAProfessional Speakers Association of Europe
PSAPersonal Sound Architecture
PSAPre-Sunrise Authorization (for AM radio stations)
PSAPseudo Stuck-At (Fault)
PSAPension Security Act (of 2003)
PSAPelican Sailing Association
PSAPrint Service Appliance
PSAPrivate Security Account
PSAProtocol Specific Annex (Winsock 2)
PSAPower Section Assembly
PSAPleomorphic Salivary Gland Adenoma
PSAPatrol Services Area
PSAProduct Service Agreement
PSAProvisions Storage Assemblies
PSAPublic Safety Activity (VRE)
PSAPredictive Support Awareness
PSAProduction Support Application (SAP)
PSAProvision Stowage Assembly
PSAPedestrian Safety Assessment
PSAPre-Solicitation Agreement
PSAPremier School Agendas, Inc.
PSAPortsmouth Soccer Association
PSAPersonal Salon Assistant
PSAPremier School Agendas Ltd (Canada)
PSAPublishing Support Assistant
PSAProject Support Agency
PSAPrinter Subassembly
PSAPresidential Support Aircraft
PSAPersonnel Status Accounting
PSAPolicyholder Surplus Accounts (insurance industry)
PSAPlanar Spaced Array
PSAPulse Stream Arithmetic
PSAProcedural Status Attribute
PSAPerformance Specification Acquisition
PSAPackaging Safety Assessment
PSAPushdown Stack Automation
PSAPerfect Slot Allocation
PSAProlate Spheroidal Antenna
PSAPhytochemical Society of Asia
PSAProposición Subordinada Adjetiva (Spanish grammar)
PSAProhibit Signaling Address (Bellcore)
PSAProfessional Sports Authenticators/Authentication
PSAProtection Switch Activated (Alcatel)
PSAPSYOPS Support Activity
PSAPlatform Services Agreement
PSAPost Shipment Advices (UK)
PSAPrevious Service Agreement
PSAPrabhu Dasi Sisters of Ajmeer


  • noun

Synonyms for PSA

noun a protein manufactured exclusively by the prostate gland


  • prostate specific antigen

Related Words

  • protein




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