

单词 ps


mind (one's) p's and q's

To be polite and well behaved; to mind one's manners. Be sure to mind your p's and q's when you visit your aunt this weekend! The mother reminded her young children to mind their p's and q's when they went over to their friends' houses for play dates.See also: and, mind

mind your Ps and Qs

be careful to behave well and avoid giving offence. Various suggestions have been made concerning the significance of P and Q . One obvious one is that a child learning to read or write might have difficulty in distinguishing between the two tailed letters p and q . Another is that printers had to be very careful not to confuse the two letters when setting type.See also: and, mind, ps, Qs



(mechanics) picosecond


(language, text, graphics)PostScript.


(file format)Physical Sequential.


(1) (PicoSecond) See space/time.

(2) See PostScript, Photoshop and power supply.

(3) (PS) (Parametric Stereo) See aacPlus.

(4) (PS) (Personal Services) An earlier term for IBM office automation software for PCs, minis and mainframes, which included word processing, electronic mail and library services.



, Ψrd1. Upper case psi, the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. Symbol for pseudouridine; psychology.


(), 1. The 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet (ψ). 2. (ψ) Symbol for pseudouridine; pseudo-; wave function; the dihedral angle of rotation about the C1-Cα bond associated with a peptide bond. 3. Pounds per square inch.


Abbreviation for:
pain score 
pap smear
papillary serous
paraffin section
paradoxical sleep
partial saturation
partial seizure
passive smoking
pathological stage
patient survey, see there 
peak systolic
per second
performance score
performance status
personal service personality scale
Pharmaceutical Services 
phosphatidyl serine
physical status
physiologic saline
pituitary stalk
plastic surgery
population spike
postmaturity syndrome
presenting symptom
pressure sore
pressure support
primitive streak
prognostic score
protamine sulphate
protein S
psychogenic seizure
pubertal stage
pulmonary sarcoidosis
pulmonary stenosis
pulmonary surfactant
pyloric sphincter
pyloric stenosis
pyriform sinus


the three Ps Endocrinology The association of pituitary adenoma, pancreatic neoplasia and parathyroid adenoma in multiple endocrine neoplasm, type I. See MEN 1 STD Permissiveness, promiscuity, ' pill'–3 factors associated with ↑rates of STDs in the 1960s.



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Palestinian Territories. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Palestinian bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for the Palestinian Territories. This is used as an international standard for shipping to the Territories.


PSPower Supply
PSPostScript (file name extension)
PSPost Scriptum (Latin: Post Script; an additional message after the main body of text in correspondence)
PSPhotoshop (Adobe Systems, Inc.)
PSPopular Science
PSPrint Server
PSPhysical Security
PSPublic School
PSPaint Shop (Adobe)
PSProblem Set
PSPlease See
PSPrimary School
PSPlease Send
PSPower Source
PSPressure Sensitive (printing industry)
PSProposed Standard
PSPostal Service
PSPublic Service
PSPalm Springs (California)
PSPersonal Statement
PSPolitical Science
PSPorn Star
PSProfessional Services
PSPublic Safety
PSPrivate Sector
PSPublic Sector
PSPeople Search (Yahoo!)
PSPower Steering
PSPersonal Space
PSPolice Station
PSParti Socialiste (French Socialist Party)
PSPrinter Server
PSProblem Solving (education)
PSPublic Storage
PSPressure Switch
PSProgram Stream
PSProduct Specification
PSPoint Source
PSPro Stock (motor sports)
PSPerformance Status
PSPatient Safety
PSProcess Service
PSPDU (Protocol Data Unit) Specific
PSPowershot (Canon camera)
PSPower Surge
PSPersonnel Services
PSPhantasy Star (Sega video game series)
PSPatrick Swayze (actor)
PSPower Stone (Capcom game)
PSPlastic Sheet (construction)
PSProfit Sharing (type of qualified retirement plan)
PSProgram Support
PSPhone Sex
PSPlease Stay
PSPicture Size
PSPartido Socialista (Socialist Party)
PSPermanent Secretary (various locations)
PSPhotosystem (photosynthesis)
PSProcess Status
PSPlay School (various organizations)
PSProblem Statement (Sprint)
PSPrimary Structure
PSPlaque Psoriasis (dermatology)
PSPixel Shader
PSPaddle Steamer
PSPuget Sound (Washington state)
PSPink Slip
PSPrep School
PSPressure Support (pulmonary ventilation)
PSParty Site
PSPatti Smith (singer)
PSProject Snowblind (gaming)
PSPulmonary Stenosis
PSPlanetSide (game)
PSPolicy Service (insurance)
PSPacking Slip
PSPatch Set (software fix)
PSPotential Source
PSPsychological Science (journal)
PSPokemon Showdown (simulator)
PSPokerstars (gaming)
PSPrior Service
PSProtein S
PSPlease Sir
PSPersonal Stash
PSPrime Suspect (TV program)
PSPenalty Shot (hockey)
PSPenn Station (resturant)
PSPremarital Sex
PSPolizia di Stato (Italy)
PSProduction Support
PSPerot Systems (Plano, TX)
PSProgram Service
PSPalmtop Studio
PSPassive Smoking
PSPlanetary Society
PSPencil Sharpener
PSPharmaceutical Services
PSProtection Scheme (Nortel)
PSPacket Scheduler
PSPartially Supported
PSPostal Stationery
PSPferdestärken (German: horse power)
PSPhase Shifter
PSPortal Services
PSPlastic Soldiers (gaming clan)
PSPaging System
PSPower Start
PSPokémon Stadium
PSPlaneshift (video game)
PSPersonal Secretary
PSPower Seats
PSProximity Switch
PSPolar Stereographic
PSProject Scientist
PSPainted Steel
PSPacific Sunwear
PSParanoid Schizophrenia
PSPolice Sergeant (UK)
PSParliamentary Secretary (UK House of Commons)
PSPatrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants cartoon)
PSProgram Summary
PSProject Sponsor
PSProfessional Surveyor
PSPacket Switch
PSProvisional Sum (contracts)
PSPartially Sighted
PSSolidarity Party (Panama)
PSPulmonary Sequestration
PSProcessing Subsystem (US DoD)
PSPeopleSoft, Inc. (software company)
PSPresentation Services
PSPersonal Size
PSProtection Switching (Alcatel)
PSProbability Sample
PSProfile Server
PSHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (book by J.K. Rowling)
PSPaper Sensor (printers)
PSPower Stability (Agilent)
PSUkraine International Airlines (IATA airline code)
PSChloropicrin (chemical weapon; choking agent)
PSProton Synchrotron (CERN)
PSProfessional Strength
PSProgram Statement (US Bureau of Prisons regulation)
PSPeja Stojakovic (basketball player)
PSPen Spinning
PSPeanut Shell
PSPacket Stream (AT&T)
PSPERLScript (version of PERL for Windows)
PSParallel Single
PSPhoto Sensitive
PSProtein Society
PSParallel Switch
PSPhilippine Star
PSPop Shot
PSParent Signature
PSPhotonics in Switching (conference)
PSProgram Store (Nortel)
PSPositive Small (number)
PSProcess Specification
PSPlaza Singapura (shopping center, Singapore)
PSProgram Specification
PSPeopleSupport, Inc
PSPeter Schilling (singer)
PSPaleontological Society (Washington, DC)
PSPayload Specialist (NASA)
PSPersonnel Specialist (USN Rating)
PSPakistan Steel
PSPsychonomic Society
PSPressure Surface (of turbine/compressor blade)
PSPower Shield (Quake gaming)
PSPenalty Stroke (field hockey)
PSProject Stock
PSPlant Security
PSPrincess Sophie (The Da Vinci Code, book)
PSPopulation Spike
PSPeople's Square (Shanghai, China)
PSProof Stress
PSPlan of Subdivision
PSPatrol Supervisor
PSPersonal Station
PSNavy Yard Puget Sound (US Navy)
PSParticle Separator
PSPetaling Street (Malaysia's shopping street)
PSPilot Speed (rock band)
PSPoincare Sphere (method of measuring polarization mode dispersion, ITU-T)
PSPhilippines Scouts (US Army)
PSPunt Snapper (the "long snapper" on punts; football)
PSPump, Sump
PSPlaza Senayan (shopping mall, Jakarta, Indonesia)
PSPalestinian Territories, Occupied (IANA country-code top-level domain)
PSPermanent Signal
PSPistol Sharpshooter (US Navy)
PSPropulsion Subsystem
PSPesaro, Marche (Italian province)
PSProcurement Schedule
PSParallel Track Single-Unit (US DoD)
PSPinball Simulation
PSPrompt Side (theater term)
PSPneumatic Switch
PSPedigree Selection
PSParticle Set
PSPriority Survey
PSPotential Sink
PSPharmacie Spécialisée (French: Specialty Pharmacy)
PSPort Security Specialist (USCG Rating)
PSPhase Shift Armor (Gundam Seed anime)
PSPartial Slip (chemical engineering)
PSPrompt Sequence (VSS)
PSPost Shakedown
PSPanel Subassembly
PSSpecific Excess Power (US Navy aviation)
PSParenteral Society
PSPartially Sterile
PSPoint of Switch
PSPersonnel Subsystem
PSMotion Picture Service Bookers (US Navy)
PSPayload Station
PSPlatoon Sargeant (US Army)
PSPlatform Servicing
PSPacific Southwest Airways
PSPleasing Sex
PSPulse Stagger
PSPreferred Smoker (insurance)
PSPrefix Synchronizable (coding scheme)
PSPittsburgh and Shawmut Railroad Company (also abbreviated as P&S)
PSPulse Shaper/Shaped
PSParti Shoqeror (Albanian Socialist Party)
PSPartition Sequential
PSProtective Subsystem
PSPhototelegraph Station (ITU-T)


  • noun

Synonyms for PS

noun a note appended to a letter after the signature


  • postscript

Related Words

  • letter
  • missive
  • annotation
  • notation
  • note




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