(proo-rit'us ) [L. pruritus, itching]Treatment
Any inciting or contributory cause should be identified and removed if possible.
pruritus ani
The primary cause should be removed or avoided. The anus should be kept scrupulously clean by use of a mild soap, and applications of drugs that produce sensitivity and irritation should be avoided.
aquagenic pruritus
brachioradial pruritus
emperor of pruritus
See: emperor of pruritusessential pruritus
pruritus estivalis
pruritus hiemalis
Winter itch.pruritus senilis
vulvar pruritus
Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus.Patient discussion about pruritic
Q. Is itching related to breast cancer? Something I want to know on itching and breast cancer. Is itching related to breast cancer?
Q. after a pedicure, the soles of my feet are dark w/freckles, skin is itchy/thick, my derm says its eczema,help! the pedicure was in fall, 2002. I mad a mistake and wore nylon boots during a storm, the dye never fully disappeared. I would scrub the soles of my feet until I couldn't walk. However, within the last 4 months both heels are itchy, thick, dark-er and now they both have dark legions/ freckles have formed.
Q. I suffer from an itchy skin that appears as a wealt my doctor says it is contact dermitis, or is it uticaria I have numerous spots appearing on my neck shoulders elbows and buttocks, they vary from small itchy spots to quite large weals they come and go, I am on antihistamines, but they only give relief occasionally, the weals and terrible itching is worse at night, and I find it difficult to sleep because of the intense itching, my gp says it may be 'contact' dermititis, but I think it may be uticaria, can you help please