Acronym | Definition |
WAA➣Weird and Awkward |
WAA➣War Assets Administration |
WAA➣Wales, Alaska (Airport Code) |
WAA➣Woodstock Artists Association (est. 1920) |
WAA➣World Apheresis Association |
WAA➣Web Analytics Association (Washington, DC) |
WAA➣Warm Air Advection |
WAA➣Wheat Amino Acid |
WAA➣Western Arts Alliance (Portland, OR) |
WAA➣Waste Accumulation Area |
WAA➣Web Assisted Assessment |
WAA➣Web Application Architecture |
WAA➣Wide-Aperture Array |
WAA➣Wireless Advertising Association |
WAA➣Walk across America |
WAA➣World A Cappella Association |
WAA➣Wisconsin Alternate Assessment |
WAA➣Wisconsin Aquaculture Association |
WAA➣Waffen Amt (German: weapons office) |
WAA➣Westchester Amateur Astronomers (New York) |
WAA➣Wisconsin Auctioneers Association |
WAA➣Wartime Aircraft Activity |
WAA➣Wellington Animal Action |
WAA➣Work Authorization and Agreement |