Prugavin, Aleksandr

Prugavin, Aleksandr Stepanovich


Born 1850 in Arkhangel’sk; died 1920. Russian researcher of the movement of the Old Believers and the sectarians and publicist; revolutionary Narodnik (Populist).

In 1869, Prugavin enrolled at the Petrovskoe Agricultural and Forestry Academy in Moscow and that same year took part in the revolutionary student disturbances. In 1871 he was involved in the trial of the Nechaevtsy and was exiled to Arkhangel’sk Province. He began studying the Old Believer movement in 1877. After the October Revolution of 1917, he collaborated with the White Guards in Siberia. He was arrested; in March 1920 he died in the Krasnoiarsk Prison from typhus.


Zaprosy naroda i obiazannosti intelligentsii v oblasti prosveshcheniia i vospilaniia, 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 1895.
Religioznye otshchepentsy; issues 1–2. Moscow, 1906.
Staroobriadchestvo vo 2-i polovine XIX v.: Ocherki iz noveishei istorii raskola. Moscow, 1904.
V Kazematakh: Ocherki i materialy po istorii russkikh tiurem. St. Petersburg, 1909.
Nepriemliushchie mira. Moscow, 1918.