Baker's cyst

Baker's cyst

Synovial cyst of popliteal space Orthopedics A localized post-traumatic swelling of a bursa sac behind the patella corresponding to a cyst which consists of a membrane-lined sac filled with synovial fluid that has escaped from the joint. See Synovial fluid.

Baker's cyst

A painless swelling occurring behind the knee when there is escape of joint fluid (synovial fluid) through the capsule of the joint as a result of excessive production. (William Morrant Baker, English surgeon, 1838–1896).

Patient discussion about Baker's cyst

Q. alternative treatment for bakers cysts I have substantially sized bakers cysts behind each knee - have taken prednisone - this is the only way to get any relief from the pain - is there an alternative more holistic cure?A. i don't know about alternative medicine treatments- but i know of treatments they do when they start to be painful:
* Physical therapy- Icing, a compression wrap, and crutches may help reduce pain and swelling. Gentle range-of-motion and strengthening exercises for the muscles around your knee may also help to reduce your symptoms and preserve knee function.
* Fluid drainage- Your doctor may drain the fluid from the knee joint using a needle. This is called needle aspiration and is often performed under ultrasound guidance.
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Q. My son was diagnosed with baker's cyst. Is he in a risk group for other articular diseases? As far as I understand baker's cyst is a risk factor for other diseases. Is it true? Do we need to send him to some special screening tests?A. Baker's cyst is not a risk factor for articular diseases in children. You don't need any special screening test. Statistically the cyst will disappear after a while.

Q. I was diagnosed with "Baker's cyst". The pain in very irritating. what can I do to ease the pain? I was diagnosed with "Baker's cyst". The pain in very irritating but I prefer not to undergo surgery or steroid injections. is there another more "holistic" way to take care of my situation? A. Here are some more "holistic" options that helped me (though you should consult your doctor before doing anything...):
Knee bracing and quadriceps physiotherapy.
If you don't want surgery and don't want to be injected with steroids, but it is OK with you to suction the cyst - I heard it can help a lot, but I must say I didn't try it.

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