Urunkhodzhaev, Saidkhodzha

Urunkhodzhaev, Saidkhodzha


Born 1901 in the village of Shaikhburkhan, in what is now Khodzhent Raion, Leninabad Oblast, Tadzhik SSR; died Sept. 14, 1967, in Leninabad Raion, Leninabad Oblast. Innovator of kolkhoz production. Twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1948, 1957); Master of Cotton Growing of the Tadzhik SSR (1948). Member of the CPSU from 1929.

From 1936 to 1951, Urunkhodzhaev was chairman of a number of kolkhozes in Leninabad Raion, Leninabad Oblast; from 1952 to 1967 he was chairman of the Moskva Kolkhoz (now the Urunkhodzhaev Kolkhoz), in the same raion and oblast, one of the country’s best cotton-growing farms.

The farm’s yield of raw cotton in quintals per hectare (ha) was 26.9 (on an area of 1,419.5 ha) in 1963, 26.7 (1,692 ha) in 1965, and 24.4 (2,042 ha) in 1967. The harvest of fine-staple cotton was 34.6 (593 ha), 33 (680 ha), and 32.3 (682 ha), respectively.

Urunkhodzhaev was a deputy to the fifth through seventh convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and a delegate to the Twenty-first through Twenty-third Congresses of the CPSU. He was awarded three Orders of Lenin, five other orders, and various medals.