Samo Chalúpka
Chalúpka, Samo
Born Feb. 27, 1812, in the village of Horná Lehota, Slovakia; died there May 10, 1883. Slovak poet. Brother of J. Chalúpka.
S. Chalúpka studied theology in Bratislava and Vienna. An ordained priest, he carried on educational work among the peasants. He began his literary career in the 1830’s with patriotic verse, primarily in Czech. From the mid-1840’s he wrote in Slovak. Chalúpka developed into a poet of the Romantic school of L. Stúr. He praised his homeland and freedom fighters in folk lyric songs and epics, such as The Cossack and Kill Him! Liturgical poetry also occupied an important place in Chalúpka’s work, as is evidenced by the collection Religious Songs (1842).
Básnické dielo. Bratislava, 1973.In Russian translation:
[“Stikhi.”] In Slovatskaia poeziia XIX–XX vv. Moscow, 1964.