Proxima Centauri
Prox·i·ma Cen·tau·ri
P5678350 (prŏk′sə-mə sĕn-tôr′ē)Prox′i•ma Centau′ri
(ˈprɒk sə mə)n.
Prox·i·ma Centauri
(prŏk′sə-mə)Noun | 1. | Proxima Centauri - the nearest star to the sun; distance: 4.3 light years |
单词 | proxima centauri | |||
释义 | Proxima CentauriProx·i·ma Cen·tau·riP5678350 (prŏk′sə-mə sĕn-tôr′ē)Prox′i•ma Centau′ri(ˈprɒk sə mə)n. Prox·i·ma Centauri(prŏk′sə-mə)
Proxima CentauriProxima Centauri:see Alpha CentauriAlpha Centauri, brightest star in the constellation Centaurus and 3d-brightest star in the sky; also known as Rigil Kent or Rigil Kentaurus; 1992 position R.A. 14h39.1m, Dec. −60°49'. Its apparent magnitude is −0.26. ..... Click the link for more information. . Proxima Centauri(proks -ă-mă sen-tor -ÿ, -ee) (V645 Cen) The nearest known star to the Sun. It is a flare star located in the constellation Centaurus and is a component of the Alpha Centauri system, about 2°.2 from α Cen. Although very faint, it is an intense source of low-energy X-rays and high-energy ultraviolet – i.e. XUV wavelengths. mv : 11.05 (var.); Mv : 15.5; spectral type: M5.5 Ve; mass: 0.1 times solar mass; distance: 1.29 pc. (4.2 l.y.).Proxima Centaurithe star closest to our solar system; located 1.31 parsecs away, in the constellation Centaurus. Proxima Centauri is an eruptive variable star with a visual magnitude of 11. Together with the bright star α Centauri, which is located 0.02 parsec farther away, it constitutes a binary system. Proxima Centauri[′präk·sə·mə sen′tȯr·ē]Proxima Centauri
Synonyms for Proxima Centauri
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