释义 |
Prowazekia Prowazekia (prō'vă-zē'kē-ă), A genus of coprozoic flagellate protozoans, formerly part of the genus Bodo; the organisms may be parasitic but are not, so far as is known, pathogenic. [S. Prowazek] Prowazek, Stanislas J.M. von, German protozoologist, 1876-1915. Halberstaedter-Prowazek bodies - Synonym(s): Prowazek-Greeff bodiesProwazek bodies - obsolete term for either of two types of inclusion bodies associated with certain diseases.Prowazek-Greeff bodies - distinctive, complex, intracytoplasmic forms found in the conjunctival epithelial cells of persons in the acute phase of trachoma. Synonym(s): Halberstaedter-Prowazek bodies; trachoma bodiesProwazekia - a genus of coprozoic flagellate protozoans. |