Acronym | Definition |
SOM➣School of Management |
SOM➣School of Medicine |
SOM➣Self Organizing Map (Computing Science, Statistics) |
SOM➣Sound of Music |
SOM➣Somalia (ISO Country code) |
SOM➣State of Mind |
SOM➣School of Music |
SOM➣Soil Organic Matter |
SOM➣Science of Mind |
SOM➣Screencast-O-Matic (screen recorder software) |
SOM➣System on Module |
SOM➣Sword of Mana (Game Boy game) |
SOM➣Sisters Of Mercy |
SOM➣System Object Model |
SOM➣Son of Man |
SOM➣Symposium on Microelectronics |
SOM➣Service Oriented Middleware (computer architecture) |
SOM➣Secret of Mana (game) |
SOM➣Souls of Mischief (band) |
SOM➣Supply Operations Manual (various organizations) |
SOM➣Supporting Online Material (scientific papers) |
SOM➣Scanning Optical Microscopy |
SOM➣Service Option Management |
SOM➣Service Oriented Management |
SOM➣Static Object Model |
SOM➣Self Organizing Map |
SOM➣Service Object Management |
SOM➣Security Operations Management |
SOM➣Support Our Military |
SOM➣Strength of Materials |
SOM➣States of Matter |
SOM➣State of the Market |
SOM➣San Tome, Venezuela (Airport Code) |
SOM➣Share Of Market |
SOM➣School Of Meteorology |
SOM➣Start Of Message |
SOM➣Society of Occupational Medicine |
SOM➣Systems, Organization and Management (various locations) |
SOM➣Senior Officials Meetings (Asian) |
SOM➣Serous Otitis Media |
SOM➣Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill LLP |
SOM➣Simulation Object Model |
SOM➣Senior Operations Manager |
SOM➣Sisters of Mary |
SOM➣Search Optimization Marketing |
SOM➣Society of Mary |
SOM➣Semantic Object Model (database modeling/design) |
SOM➣Science or Medicine (course name) |
SOM➣Saskatchewan Order of Merit |
SOM➣Special Operations Manual |
SOM➣System Operational Manager |
SOM➣Sponsor Owned Material |
SOM➣Sunset Orange Metallic (GM factory color) |
SOM➣Self Organizing Machine |
SOM➣Stand-Off Missile |
SOM➣Special Ops Media |
SOM➣Sulfuric acid-Ozone Mixture |
SOM➣Self-Oscillating Mixer |
SOM➣Sword of Miracles (Lineage 2 game) |
SOM➣System Operator's Manual |
SOM➣Statement of Mailing (Post Canada) |
SOM➣Shell Oman Marketing (Company; Oman) |
SOM➣Sergeant of Marines |
SOM➣Sales and Operations Manager |
SOM➣Scheme of Maneuver |
SOM➣Self Organizing Multicast |
SOM➣Spatial Objects Manager (GE Smallworld product) |
SOM➣SATCOM Operational Manager |
SOM➣Software Operators Manual |
SOM➣Soul of Melandru (gaming guild) |
SOM➣Solon Orange Mayfield (Center Road; Ohio Route 91) |
SOM➣Son of a Monkey (polite form of SOB) |
SOM➣Scheduling Output Module |
SOM➣Step of Mind Ltd (Tel Aviv, Israel) |
SOM➣Strategie Organisation et Methode Inc. |
SOM➣Supraorbital Margin (skull anatomy) |
SOM➣Systems Operators Manual |
SOM➣Seats Occupied Message |
SOM➣Siblings of Misery (pro wrestling) |
SOM➣Structured Operating Model |
SOM➣Summit of Ministerials (APEC conference) |
SOM➣Spares Optimization Model (US NASA) |
SOM➣Stochastic Optimization Modeling (project management method) |