Taussig-Bing syndrome

Taussig-Bing syndrome

 [taw´sig bing] a form of transposition of the great vessels of the heart: the aorta arises from the right ventricle, with a left-sided pulmonary artery overriding the left ventricle and with a high ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy, anteriorly situated aorta, and posterior pulmonary artery. Patients present with pulmonary hypertension, cyanosis, and greater oxygen saturation in the pulmonary artery than in the aorta.

Taus·sig-Bing syn·drome

(taw'sig bing), complete transposition of the aorta, which arises from the right ventricle, with a left-sided pulmonary artery overriding the left ventricle, and with high ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy, anteriorly situated aorta, and posteriorly situated pulmonary artery. Synonym(s): Taussig-Bing disease

Taus·sig-Bing syn·drome

(taw'sig bing), complete transposition of the aorta, which arises from the right ventricle, with a left-sided pulmonary artery overriding the left ventricle, and with high ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy, anteriorly situated aorta, and posteriorly situated pulmonary artery. Synonym(s): Taussig-Bing disease

Taus·sig-Bing syn·drome

(taw'sig bing sin'drōm) A congenital heart deformity with complete transposition of the aorta, which arises from the right ventricle, with a left-sided pulmonary artery overriding the left ventricle, and with high ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy, anteriorly situated aorta, and posteriorly situated pulmonary artery.


Richard J., U.S. physician, 1909–. Taussig-Bing disease - Synonym(s): Taussig-Bing syndromeTaussig-Bing syndrome - see under Taussig


Helen B., U.S. pediatrician, 1898-1986. Blalock-Taussig operation - see under BlalockBlalock-Taussig shunt - see under BlalockTaussig-Bing disease - Synonym(s): Taussig-Bing syndromeTaussig-Bing syndrome - complete transposition of the aorta with a left-sided pulmonary artery overriding the left ventricle and ventricular septal defect, right ventricular hypertrophy, anteriorly situated aorta, and posteriorly situated pulmonary artery. Synonym(s): Taussig-Bing disease