Relaxations in Polymers
Relaxations in Polymers
changes in the physical properties of polymeric materials caused by processes leading to the establishment of statistical equilibrium. These relaxations resemble relaxation in any other body, but because of the long-chain structure of the macromolecules in polymers, they occur within a longer time span and so can be readily observed.
Relaxations in polymers are caused by a rearrangement of the structure. The rearrangement derives from the motions of the chains as a result of an increase in temperature and from the motions of the separate atomic groups in the chains as well as of the elements of the texture of polymers. Investigations of relaxations in polymers are widely used as an important physico-chemical method for studying the structure of polymers.
Kargin, V. A., and G. L. Slonimskii. Kratkie ocherki po fiziko-khimii polimerov, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1967.Perekhody i relaksatsionnye iavleniia ν polimerakh. Moscow, 1968. (Translated from English.)