Vater, Abraham

Vater, Abraham

(fot'er) Ger. botanist and anatomist, 1684–1751.

Vater ampulla

Papilla of Vater.

Vater corpuscles

Pacinian corpuscles.

papilla of Vater

The duodenal end of the drainage systems of the pancreatic and common bile ducts. Synonym: duodenal papilla; hepatopancreatic ampulla; Vater ampulla


Abraham, German anatomist and botanist, 1684-1751. duct of Vater - Synonym(s): Bochdalek ductVater ampulla - the dilation within the major duodenal papilla that normally receives both the common bile duct and the main pancreatic duct. Synonym(s): hepatopancreatic ampullaVater corpuscles - small oval bodies in the skin of the fingers, in the mesentery, tendons, and elsewhere sensitive to pressure. Synonym(s): lamellated corpuscles; pacinian corpuscles; Vater-Pacini corpusclesVater fold - a fold of mucous membrane in the duodenum just above the greater duodenal papilla.Vater tubercle - duodenal papilla. Synonym(s): papilla of SantoriniVater-Pacini corpuscles - Synonym(s): Vater corpuscles