

(pop culture)In Journey into Mystery #97 (1963), writer/editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby introduced their version of Surtur, one of the greatest enemies of the gods in Norse mythology. Utilizing traditional imagery of the devil, Kirby drew Surtur as a giant with two immense horns on his forehead, red skin, and a long tail. Lee and Kirby established that Surtur rivaled Odin, king of the Asgardian gods, in power, and that Surtur intended to destroy both Asgard and the universe with his ability to generate intense heat and flame. Following the myths, Lee and Kirby depicted a prophetic vision in which Surtur would set Asgard aflame following the battle of Ragnarok, “the twilight of the gods.” The comics creator who most prominently featured Surtur was writer/artist Walter Simonson in the story arc in Thor vol. 1 #337–#353 (1983–1985). Simonson revealed that in ages past Odin and his older brothers Vili and Ve journeyed into Surtur's domain Muspelheim, realm of the fire demons. There the brothers learned that Surtur intended to destroy the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology (including Asgard and Midgard, meaning Earth) with his flaming sword. The brothers broke the sword, but Surtur seemingly slew Vili and Ve. In Simonson's storyline Surtur forged a new sword, Twilight, and was narrowly prevented from destroying the Nine Worlds by Odin and his sons Thor and Loki. Though Ragnarok took place in the final issues of Thor vol. 2 (2004), Surtur may be indestructible and possibly survived even Asgard's (presumably temporary) end.