Surry County
Surry County, North Carolina
Dobson, NC 27017
Phone: (336) 386-3700
Fax: (336) 386-9879
On the northwestern border of NC, northwest of Winston-Salem; organized 1771 (prior to statehood) from Rowan County. Name Origin: For Surrey County in England, home of then-incumbent governor, William Tryon. Possibly influenced by similarity to Saura, the local Indian tribe. Spelling the name without the 'e' seems to have been a common colonial practice.
Area (sq mi):: 537.79 (land 536.52; water 1.27) Population per square mile: 135.30
Population 2005: 72,601 State rank: 35 Population change: 2000-20005 1.90%; 1990-2000 15.40% Population 2000: 71,219 (White 88.00%; Black or African American 4.20%; Hispanic or Latino 6.50%; Asian 0.60%; Other 4.80%). Foreign born: 5.30%. Median age: 38.00
Income 2000: per capita $17,722; median household $33,046; Population below poverty level: 12.40% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $23,504-$24,051
Unemployment (2004): 6.20% Unemployment change (from 2000): -0.30% Median travel time to work: 25.50 minutes Working outside county of residence: 25.80%
See other counties in North Carolina.
Surry County, Virginia
Surry, VA 23883
Phone: (757) 294-5271
Fax: (757) 294-5204
On southeastern coast of VA, on south bank of the James River; organized 1652 from James City County. Name Origin: For Surrey, England; spelling is a clerical error
Area (sq mi):: 310.31 (land 279.09; water 31.22) Population per square mile: 25.10
Population 2005: 7,013 State rank: 122 Population change: 2000-20005 2.70%; 1990-2000 11.10% Population 2000: 6,829 (White 46.40%; Black or African American 51.60%; Hispanic or Latino 0.70%; Asian 0.10%; Other 1.30%). Foreign born: 0.50%. Median age: 39.40
Income 2000: per capita $16,682; median household $37,558; Population below poverty level: 10.80% Personal per capita income (2000-2003): $21,243-$22,629
Unemployment (2004): 4.00% Unemployment change (from 2000): -1.40% Median travel time to work: 39.00 minutes Working outside county of residence: 70.30%
See other counties in Virginia.