

 [glos″o-fah-rin´je-al] pertaining to the tongue and pharynx.glossopharyngeal nerve the ninth cranial nerve; it supplies the carotid sinus, mucous membrane, and muscles of the pharynx, soft palate, and posterior third of the tongue, and the taste buds in the posterior third of the tongue. By serving the carotid sinus, the glossopharyngeal nerve provides for reflex control of the heart. It is also responsible for the swallowing reflex, for stimulating secretions of the parotid glands, and for the sense of taste in the posterior third of the tongue. See also anatomic Table of Nerves in the Appendices.


(fă-ring'gō-glos'ăl), Relating to the pharynx and the tongue.


(fă-ring'gō-glos'ăl) Relating to the pharynx and the tongue.