

单词 sam


in (the) Sam Hill?

Used as an intensifier after a question word (who, what, where, when, why, and how) to express extreme confusion, surprise, or aggravation. Often erroneously written or pronounced as "in Sam Hell." Primarily heard in US. And just how in Sam Hill am I supposed to have three reports done by 9 AM tomorrow? Where in the Sam Hill did you find that rusty old car? Who in Sam Hill is making all that noise?See also: SAM

Sam Hill

euphemism Hell. Usually used for emphasis, almost exclusively in the phrase "what in (the) Sam Hill." What in Sam Hill are you kids doing in here? You're going to wake the whole neighborhood! What in the Sam Hill made you decide to fight one of your classmates?See also: hill, SAM

soapy Sam

One who is slick and persuasive, especially in speech. The phrase originally referred to Samuel Wilberforce, a 19th-century Bishop of Oxford, who was known for such qualities. This guy is a real soapy Sam—the townspeople believe his every word, even though he has never delivered on a single promise.See also: SAM

Uncle Sam

A personification of the United States or its government, typically portrayed as a man with a white beard. It seems like Uncle Sam is always taking more and more taxes out of our paychecks.See also: SAM, uncle

Sam and Dave

1. slang Two or more police officers; the police collectively. Primarily heard in US. For days after the robbery, I was expecting Sam and Dave to come bust down our door and take us away in handcuffs.2. slang A grave. The term originated in rhyming slang. Primarily heard in UK. They'll be digging him a Sam and Dave if he doesn't keep his nose out of the mob's business.See also: and, SAM

What in (the) Sam Hill?

Inf. What has happened?; What? (An elaboration of what. Sam Hill is a euphemism for hell. Often with the force of an exclamation. See examples for variations.) What in Sam Hill is going on around here? What in the Sam Hill do you think you are doing?See also: SAM, what

Uncle ˈSam

(informal) a way of referring to the United States of America or the US government: He owed $20 000 in tax to Uncle Sam.The name probably comes from expanding the initials US.See also: SAM, uncle


n. federal agents; federal narcotics agents. (Also a term of address. From Uncle (Sam).) Sam is working hard to put an end to all this drug trouble.

Sam and Dave

n. the police; police officers. (Black.) And there at the door were my old buddies Sam and Dave with a warrant. See also: and, SAM

Uncle (Sam)

and Uncle Sugar1. n. the personification of the U.S. Uncle Sugar wants a little more of your money this year. 2. n. a federal agent; federal agents. Uncle has some pretty strong ideas about who’s in charge of this investigation. See also: SAM, uncle

What in (the) Sam Hill?

interrog. What has happened?; What? (An elaboration of what. Sam Hill is hell. Often with the force of an exclamation. See examples for variations.) What in the Sam Hill do you think you are doing? See also: SAM, what

What in Sam Hill?

verbSee What in the Sam Hill?See also: SAM, what

Where in (the) Sam Hill?

interrog. Where? (An intensive form of where. Sam Hill is hell.) Where in Sam Hill did I put my hat? See also: SAM

Where in Sam Hill?

verbSee Where in the Sam Hill?See also: SAM



[sam] (ordnance) surface-to-air missile


(1)System Account Manager


(tool)A multi-file screen editor with structural regular expressions. Sam runs under the X Window System.


(1) See sequential access method, software asset management and SCSI Architecture Model.

(2) (Security Accounts Manager) The part of Windows that manages the encrypted database of usernames, passwords and permissions. SAM resides in each server as well as in each domain controller. See Syskey, PDC and trust relationship.

(3) (Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh) An earlier Macintosh antivirus program from Symantec Corporation, Cupertino, CA. It evolved into Norton AntiVirus for Mac.



Acronym for S-adenosyl-l-methionine; systolic anterior motion.
A regional term for a federal narcotics agent


Cardiology Systolic anterior motion An anomalous movement of the mitral valve's anterior leaflet, which appears to strike the interventricular septum in early diastole; seen in Pts with idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis and obstruction.
FinancialSeeShared Appreciation Mortgage


SAMSurface-to-Air Missile
SAMSequential Access Method
SAMSubstance Abuse Monitoring (various organizations)
SAMSeattle Art Museum
SAMSoftware Asset Management
SAMSales and Marketing (Australia)
SAMSupport and Maintenance (various companies)
SAMSustainable Asset Management
SAMSystem Administration Manager (HP)
SAMSamedi (French: Saturday)
SAMSecurity Accounts Manager (Windows registry)
SAMSystem for Award Management
SAMSecret Agent Man
SAMSenior Account Manager (various companies)
SAMSingapore Art Museum
SAMSomething About Myself (creative achievement reporting)
SAMSecurity Account Manager
SAMSerbia and Montenegro
SAMSimulation and Modeling
SAMStrategic Asset Management
SAMSystem Availability Management (Hewlett Packard)
SAMScience and Mathematics
SAMSveikatos Apsaugos Ministerijos (Lithuanian: Ministry of Emergency Health)
SAMSingle Adult Ministry (various locations)
SAMScience of Advanced Materials (American Scientific Publishers)
SAMServicio de Atención Médica (Spanish: Health Care Service)
SAMShoot Apical Meristem (plants)
SAMSociety for American Music
SAMSoftware and More
SAMSociété Anonyme Monégasque (French: Anonymous Monaco Company; Monaco)
SAMSociety of American Magicians (St. Louis, MO, USA)
SAMSpeed Art Museum (Louisville, KY)
SAMSouth African Museum (Cape Town, South Africa)
SAMSusquehanna Art Museum (Harrisburg, PA)
SAMSchultze Asset Management (George Schultze; Purchase, NY)
SAMSelf-Assessment Module
SAMSystem for Accountability and Management (various organizations)
SAMSemi-Automatic Method
SAMSelf Assembled Monolayer
SAMSession Allocation Manager (software)
SAMSelf-Assembled Monolayer
SAMSterile Alpha Motif
SAMSignificance Analysis of Microarrays
SAMAmiPro (file extension)
SAMSociety for Acute Medicine (UK; est. 2000)
SAMSimply about Music (online radio)
SAMSocial Accounting Matrix
SAMSuspicious Activity Monitoring (software)
SAMSigma Alpha Mu
SAMSoftware Architecture Model
SAMStand Alone Modem
SAMSoftware Access Module
SAMSystem Administration Manager
SAMSoftware Assurance Membership
SAMSystem Assurance Manage
SAMSecurity Accounts Manager
SAMStrategic Systems for Adaptable Metacognition
SAMSpeech Aware Multimedia
SAMSprint Account Manager
SAMSoftware Access Menu
SAMSystem Adaptability Manager
SAMSample File
SAMStm Access Module
SAMSpecial Action Model
SAMSecurity Access Manager
SAMStorage Archive Manager
SAMScsi Architectural Model
SAMStorage Application Model
SAMScalable Architecture for Multimedia
SAMStorage Access Method
SAMSimple Access Mode
SAMSymantec Antivirus for Macintosh
SAMSecurity Access Multiport
SAMStorage Area Manager
SAMSmart Atm Module
SAMSyndicated Audio Messaging
SAMService Availability Management
SAMStream Audio Manager
SAMSuper Absorbent Material
SAMStand Alone Module (various companies)
SAMSelf-Assembled Molecular
SAMStudent Achievement Measures (task force; Colorado)
SAMShared-Appreciation Mortgage
SAMSchool of Aviation Medicine
SAMSevere Acute Malnutrition
SAMSplit and Merge
SAMStrategic Account Manager
SAMSexual Abuse of a Minor
SAMSetup and Maintenance
SAMSahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth Malaysia)
SAMSt. Andrews Medical (various locations)
SAMSchool of Aerospace Medicine
SAMSociety for Adolescent Medicine
SAMSpace-Available Mail
SAMSpecial Air Mission
SAMSeminar for Applied Mathematics
SAMSoftware Automatic Mouth (Apple II)
SAMSkype Answering Machine (various companies)
SAMServicing And Maintenance
SAMStorage Area Management
SAMService Account Manager
SAMSystolic Anterior Motion
SAMScheduled Ancient Monument (UK)
SAMSuginami Animation Museum (Tokyo, Japan)
SAMSociety for the Advancement of Management
SAMScanning Auger Microscopy
SAMSerial Access Memory
SAMSupplier Agreement Management
SAMStat-A-Matrix (Edison, NJ)
SAMSouthern Annular Mode (meteorology)
SAMSecure Access Module
SAMSupport Account Manager
SAMSeparate Account Management
SAMSmall Acreage Management (Colorado)
SAMSubsequent Address Message (CCS #7 ITU-T)
SAMSouthwestern At Memphis (now Rhodes College)
SAMSpartanburg Art Museum (Spartanburg, SC)
SAMSound Absorbing Material
SAMStop Annoying Me
SAMSydney Alumni Magazine (University of Sydney; Sydney, Australia)
SAMSagawa Art Museum (Shiga, Japan)
SAMService Availability Management (various companies)
SAMScientific American Medicine
SAMStreaming Audio Manager (software)
SAMSequence Alignment and Modeling
SAMStation for Atmospheric Measurements (meteorology)
SAMSimple Asynchronous Messaging (computing)
SAMSalaire Annuel Moyen (French: Average Annual Salary)
SAMSpectral Angle Mapper
SAMService Associate Member
SAMShimane Art Museum (Japan)
SAMSociedad Aeronáutica de Medellín (airline, Colombia)
SAMStratospheric Aerosol Measurement
SAMSCSI-3 Architecture Model
SAMServed Available Market
SAMStudents At Macquarie (Australia)
SAMServiceable Available Market (marketing)
SAMSpin Angular Momentum (physics)
SAMSoftware Acquisition Management
SAMSystems Acquisition Management
SAMSubsea Accumulator Module (energy exploration)
SAMService Assurance Manager (Smarts)
SAMSearch Asset Management (eXtéres)
SAMSeismic Acoustic Magnetic (US DoD, Test and Evaluation)
SAMSouth Australian Matriculation
SAMSystolic Anterior Movement
SAMSingle Asian Male
SAMSummer Annual Meeting
SAMSymantec Anti-Virus for Macintosh
SAMSaginaw Art Museum (Saginaw, Michigan)
SAMSingle Agency Manager (Pentagon Renovation Project)
SAMSecurity Administration Manager
SAMService Access Multiplexer (Bellcore)
SAMSouth American Office (ICAO)
SAMSmart-Ass Masochist
SAMSandy Area Metro
SAMSite Acquisition Manager
SAMSewer Access Module (robot used to pull fiber through sewers)
SAMSociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos (Spanish: Society of Mexican Architects; est. 1905)
SAMSpecial Assets Management
SAMSuper Amazing Monkey (wrestling)
SAMSponsored Awards Management
SAMSystem Administrator's Manual
SAMSolutions for Advanced Manufacturing (Canada)
SAMSpecial Administrative Measure
SAMStaging Area Manager
SAMSystem Administration Manual
SAMSystem Administration Module
SAMSelf-Appointed Manager
SAMSouth American Monsoon
SAMStrategically Altered Mutant
SAMSystem Access Module
SAMService Activation Manager (Sigma Systems)
SAMSpecial Attention Meeting
SAMStructural Aluminum Malleable (type of splint)
SAMSelf Adjusting Mattress
SAMSynchronous Access Mode
SAMSolar Advisor Model
SAMSemi-Analytic Model (galactic modeling)
SAMService Availability Matrix (Cisco)
SAMSecurity Authentication Module
SAMStudent Association of Missouri
SAMSingle Accumulator Multiplier (cryptography)
SAMSeparate Absorption Multiplication
SAMSingle-use Authentication Mechanism (IETF, Kerberos)
SAMSystem Assurance Manager (NASA)
SAMSupplemental Assay Method
SAMSpeech-Aware Multimedia
SAMSelf Assembling Material
SAMSuper-Automated Machine (early Sesame Street)
SAMSituation Awareness Mode (radar)
SAMScalable ADSL Modem (Integrated Telcom Express)
SAMSyndicat des Agences de Mannequins (French: Union of Model Agencies)
SAMSprint Account Manager (Sprint)
SAMSupport Agreement Manager
SAMSun and Aureole Measurement
SAMSt. Albans Museum
SAMSelf Automated Machine
SAMSubscriber Access Multiplexer
SAMSoldier Assignment Module
SAMStatus Activity Monitor
SAMSmall Angle Maneuver
SAMSystem Available Memory
SAMSearch Area Map (search and rescue operations)
SAMStratospheric Aerosol Monitor
SAMStrategic Alignment Management
SAMSynchronous Address Multiplexor
SAMStandard Analysis Method
SAMSolent Advanced Motorcyclists (UK)
SAMSesame Access Manager
SAMService Automation Module (Opsware)
SAMSpecialized Aircraft Maintenance
SAMScientific Archive Management
SAMSmall Aperture Module (laser)
SAMStupid Ass Meeting
SAMSub-Array Module
SAMStatus of Acquisition Message
SAMStratified Anisotropic Media
SAMStedelijke Adviesraad Multiculturele Stad Den Haag
SAMSociaal Actieve Mensen
SAMShallow Angle Metallization
SAMSynchronous/Asynchronous Multiplexer
SAMStudent Assessment and Measurement
SAMSalary Administration Manual
SAMStockage for Availability Method
SAMShort-Action Magnum (ammunition)
SAMSensor Arrays and Multichannel Signal Processing
SAMStandard Allowable Minutes
SAMSite Availability Mode
SAMService Activation Meeting
SAMStandards Appenninici e Mediterranei (Italy)
SAMSuper-rate Adapter Module (Newbridge)
SAMSpace-Viewing Analog-Electronic Module
SAMSleep/Activity Monitor
SAMSmall Alarm Manager (Fibercorp)
SAMServing Area Multiplex Sites
SAMSeeds Against Malnutrition
SAMSum of Available Market
SAMScoping and Mobilisation
SAMStudent Affairs Monitor
SAMSetup And Maintenance application
SAMSegment Access Manager
SAMService Adaptation Module (Tachion)
SAMStaff Action Memorandum
SAMSavannah, Americus and Montgomery Railroad Company
SAMScript Applicator Mechanism
SAMScanning Acoustic Microscopy/Microscope
SAMSystem Assimilation Mercator (French)
SAMSystems Activity Model
SAMSprint Access Management (Sprint)
SAMSurveillance/Systems Analysis Model
SAMSouthern Aussie Muscle (car club: New Zealand)
SAMSupplemental Aid to Maintenance
SAMSociedad Ambiente Marino
SAMSetup Acknowledgment Message (ITI)
SAMSystem Alteration Modification
SAMSystem Acquisition Manager/Management
SAMSpace Advisory Message
SAMSafely Administering Medication (robotic pharmacist)
SAMSwitched Access with Multiplexer
SAMSocial Ad Marketing
SAMSub-Assembly Module (Bellcore)
SAMShadow Activity Monitor (DataDirect)


  • noun

Synonyms for SAM

noun a guided missile fired from land or shipboard against an airborne target


  • surface-to-air missile

Related Words

  • guided missile
  • Stinger
  • surface-to-air missile system




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