Steiger, Otto
Steiger, Otto
Born Aug. 4, 1909, in Uetendorf, Bern Canton. Swiss writer. Writes in German.
Steiger studied in Bern and Paris; in the 1930’s he lived in France. His main genre is the novel of social criticism, characterized by a tendency toward allegory and the use of elements of the grotesque in the plot. In such novels as Portrait of a Respected Man (1952; Russian translation, 1957), The Trevenbold Brothers (1954), and Journey to the Sea (1960), he satirizes and expresses hostility toward the antihumanist tendencies of bourgeois society. Steiger is also the author of the novel The Eleven-month Year (1962 ; Russian translation, 1966), the collection of short stories A Hole in the Sound Barrier (1965), and the political comedy The Siege (1960).