relative biologic effectiveness

rel·a·tive bi·o·log·ic ef·fec·tive·ness (RBE),

a factor used to compare the biologic effect of absorbed doses of different types and energies of ionizing radiation. It is determined by the ratio of an absorbed dose of the particular radiation in question to the absorbed dose of a reference radiation required to produce an identical biologic effect in a specific organism, organ, or tissue.

rel·a·tive bi·o·log·ic ef·fec·tive·ness

(rel'ă-tiv bī'ŏ-loj'ik e-fek'tiv-nĕs) A factor used to compare the biologic effect of absorbed doses of different types and energies of ionizing radiation. It is determined by the ratio of an absorbed dose of the particular radiation in question to the absorbed dose of a reference radiation required to produce an identical biologic effect in a specific organism, organ, or tissue.