pharmacologic mediators of anaphylaxis
pharmacologic mediators of anaphylaxis
phar·ma·co·log·ic me·di·a·tors of an·a·phy·lax·is
substances released from mast (and other) cells by the reaction of antigen and specific homocytotropic antibody on their surfaces; they include histamine, leukotrienes, bradykinin, and (in some species of animals) serotonin.
euclid corridor transportation project
euclidean 3-space
euclidean algorithm
euclidean axiom
euclidean conformal field theory
euclidean domain
euclidean geometry
euclidean geometry low-density parity-check
euclidean geometry of the plane
euclidean norm
euclidean n-space
euclidean plane
euclidean prime number theorem
euclidean quantum field theory
euclidean ring
euclidean space
euclidean space as a manifold
euclidean spaces
euclidean topology
euclidean tsp
euclidean vector
euclidean vector space
euclidean viterbi algorithm
euclidean wormhole
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