


(soːlt) noun1. (also common salt) sodium chloride, a white substance frequently used for seasoning. The soup needs more salt.2. any other substance formed, like common salt, from a metal and an acid. 鹽類 盐类3. a sailor, especially an experienced one. an old salt. (老練的)水手 (老练的)水手 adjective containing, tasting of, preserved in salt. salt water; salt pork. 含鹽的,用鹽醃的 含盐的,用盐腌制的 verb to put salt on or in. Have you salted the potatoes? 在...上或內加鹽 加盐于...腌ˈsalted adjective (negative unsalted) containing or preserved with salt. salted butter; salted beef. 含鹽的,用鹽醃的 盐味的,盐腌的 ˈsaltness noun 含鹽度 含盐度,咸性 ˈsalty adjective containing or tasting of salt. Tears are salty water. 鹹的 咸的ˈsaltiness noun 鹹味 咸性bath salts a usually perfumed mixture of certain salts added to bath water. 浴鹽 浴盐the salt of the earth a very good or worthy person. People like her are the salt of the earth. 高尚人士,社會中堅份子 高尚的人,社会中坚 take (something) with a grain/pinch of salt to receive (a statement, news etc) with a slight feeling of disbelief. I took his story with a pinch of salt. 對(說詞、消息等)持保留態度或存疑 对某事有保留,持怀疑态度