Acronym | Definition |
UAR➣United Arab Republic |
UAR➣Up and Running |
UAR➣User Access Review (SAP) |
UAR➣Unión Argentina de Rugby (Argentinian Rugby League) |
UAR➣Undergraduate Advising and Research (Stanford University; Palo Alto, CA) |
UAR➣Upper Austrian Research |
UAR➣Urban Affairs Review |
UAR➣Unclaimed Assets Register (UK) |
UAR➣Utah Association of Realtors |
UAR➣United Artists Records, Inc. (record label) |
UAR➣Unit Appreciation Rights |
UAR➣Utah Administrative Rules |
UAR➣Unusual Attitude Recovery (aviation) |
UAR➣Uniformly At Random |
UAR➣Union of African Railways |
UAR➣User Authorization Request |
UAR➣Unconventional Assisted Recovery |
UAR➣Unstable Ape Records (Australian independent record label) |
UAR➣Uranyl Acetate Replacement (staining) |
UAR➣Upper Airway Restriction |
UAR➣Unique Application Reseller (software sales) |
UAR➣Unattended Radar |
UAR➣Uniform Administrative Requirements (government regulations) |
UAR➣Unit Airman Record |
UAR➣Utilities Accommodation Rules (various locations) |