

单词 rejection



R0134000 (rĭ-jĕkt′)tr.v. re·ject·ed, re·ject·ing, re·jects 1. a. To refuse to accept, submit to, believe, or make use of: He rejected their version of what happened. The store rejected the merchandise because it was damaged. See Synonyms at refuse1.b. To refuse to consider or grant; deny: The manager rejected all requests for time off. The college rejected the student's application.2. a. To turn down (an applicant, as for a job); refuse to accept.b. To refuse to accept (someone) as a lover, spouse, or friend; rebuff.c. To refuse to give sufficient parental affection or care to (a child or young animal).3. To spit out or vomit: The baby rejected the medicine.4. Medicine To react to the introduction of (a transplanted organ or tissue) with a destructive immune response; fail to accept as part of one's own body.n. (rē′jĕkt)1. One that has been rejected: a reject from the varsity team; a tire that is a reject.2. Slang A foolish or socially inept person.
[Middle English rejecten, from Latin rēicere, rēiect- : re-, re- + iacere, to throw; see yē- in Indo-European roots.]
re·ject′er, re·jec′tor n.re·jec′tion (-jĕk′shən) adj.re·jec′tive adj.




  1. Cast away [anger] like spoiled milk —Marge Piercy
  2. Discarded like outmoded customs —Elyse Sommer
  3. Discarded (me) like yesterday’s underpants —Sue Grafton
  4. Dropped … like a dead fish —T. Glen Coughlin
  5. Dropped [from a list] … like a hot rivet —Loren D. Estleman
  6. He shook them [young women] off his back like a young stallion shaking off an unskilled rider —Russell Banks
  7. Keep at a distance, like someone with an infectious disease —Anon

    The many twists on this usually refer to a specific diseases, whatever is most feared. Like so many phrases that have been mainstreamed into our language, this can be traced back to a line from Shakespeare, in this case: “Barred, like one infectious.”

  8. Push her away like a clinging dog —Daphne du Maurier
  9. Push me aside like a kitchen chair —Philip Levine
  10. Put (such thoughts) aside like chewed-up grapeskins —Bertold Brecht
  11. Rejected [bad news] … like a transplanted organ —Pat Conroy
  12. Rejected [praise] like counterfeit money —William Mcllvanney
  13. Shoved aside like a row boat nosed away by a tanker —Mary Gordon
  14. Shun him like the plague —Charles Dickens
  15. Some men, like spaniels, will only fawn the more when repulsed, but will pay little heed to a friendly caress —Abd-el-Kader
  16. Spurn my passion like a worm —Jean Racine
  17. Swept her aside as if she were a cobweb —Susan Kelly
  18. They just dropped me … like a bag of potatoes —Njabulo Ndebele
  19. Threw aside everything … like a contemptible burden —Heinrich Böll



(See also EXPULSION.)

blackball To exclude; to cast a negative vote against a candidate or applicant seeking admission to a select group. Such adverse votes were formerly cast by placing a black ball in the ballot box. Thus, the term came to mean to reject or exclude in any sense, though its most frequent application is still in reference to membership rejection by fraternities or other socially prestigious, exclusive organizations. It has been in use since 1770.

blacklist To bar or exclude from something as work or a club; also, the list of people so excluded; hence, those under suspicion, censure, or otherwise out of favor with the powers that be. The expression, in use since 1692, is said to date from the reign of Charles II of England, with reference to the list of individuals implicated in the trial and execution of his father, Charles I.

cut off with a shilling To disinherit, especially by bequeathing a shilling or other nominal sum to show that the disinheritance was deliberate. This expression is said to have arisen from the erroneous belief that English law was the same as Roman in assuming forget-fulness or unsoundness of mind on the part of the testator who neglected to name close relatives in his will. Out of this grew the practice of giving the scorned heir a shilling or other trifling sum to show that he had not been omitted as an oversight. Although this precise expression dates from 1834, the concept and practice date from much earlier:

My eldest son John … I do disinherit and wholly cut off from any part of this my personal estate, by giving him a single cockle shell. (Joseph Addison, The Tatler, 1710)

The original sense of this phrase has been distorted in time and it is popularly misconstrued today as to cut off without a shilling.

Dear John letter A letter from a woman telling her boyfriend, fiancé, or husband that she is jilting him for someone else. Usually a Dear John letter is sent to a man who has been separated from the woman by both time and distance, as a soldier overseas.

“Dear John,” the letter began. “I have found someone else whom I think the world of. I think the only way out is for us to get a divorce,” it said. They usually began like that, those letters that told of infidelity on the part of the wives of servicemen … the men called them “Dear Johns.” (Democrat and Chronicle [Rochester, N.Y.], August 17, 1945)

get the hook To have one’s performance abruptly terminated; to be fired; to receive or be subjected to dismissal. This expression recalls the days of vaudeville when more than a few marginally talented or outrageously untalented performers were forcefully removed from the stage by means of a long stick with a hooked end, somewhat like an elongated cane. In contemporary usage, however, get the hook and a variation, give the hook, are usually figurative.

give a basket To refuse to wed; to discard a fiancé. This expression, derived from the old German custom of placing a basket on the roof of a jilted sweetheart’s house, is seldom heard today.

give the air To suddenly jilt a lover or sweetheart; to abruptly fire an employee; also, give the wind. Figuratively, this expression might imply either that a person is given nothing, or that he is propelled from another’s presence by a blast of air.

I couldn’t change her views … nor could she convert me to hers, even when she threatened to give me the air. (R. Graves, Seven Days in New Crete, 1949)

give the bag To leave a paramour suddenly or unexpectedly; to discharge a person from his job or duties. This phrase carried a nearly reverse meaning, i.e., to ‘quit a job without giving the employer proper notice,’ before developing its current figurative usage as a reference to the plight of a jilted lover.

Sent away, with a flea in your ear; some girl has given you the bag. (John Neal, Brother Jonathan, 1825)

give the cold shoulder To display indifference or disregard toward; to ignore or snub; also to show the cold shoulder. Although the exact origin of this expression is unknown, it has been suggested that cold shoulder refers to the cold shoulder of meat reputedly once served to unwelcome guests so as to discourage their return. The phrase has been in use since 1816.

give the gate To reject or dismiss; to give someone the brush-off; to fire, or let go from employment. This expression, as well as get the gate ‘to be rejected or jilted,’ is said to be an Americanism dating from the early 1900s. However, grant the gate ‘to give leave to go’ (OED) appeared in print as long ago as the middle of the 15th century.

The King grantit the gait to Schir Gawane,
And prayt to the grete God to grant him his grace.
(Golagros and Gawane, 1470)

In the transition from grant the gate to give the gate, a significant change took place. Today one “gives the gate” in a spirit of disaffection and alienation, whereas based on the above quotation, good will and magnanimity inspired the King to “grant the gate” to Gawane.

She billed you for an extra month because Monnie gave her the gate. (E. Fenwick, Impeccable People, 1971)

give the mitten To jilt a sweetheart; to reject a romantically inclined admirer; to discharge an employee. There are several possible sources of this expression: the medieval French custom of giving a mitten to an unsuccessful suitor; the custom of throwing down a glove to signify defiance or rejection; or a derivation from the Latin mittere ‘to dismiss.’

Some said that Susan had given her young man the mitten … she had signified that his services as a suitor were dispensed with. (Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Guardian Angel, 1867)

gong [someone] To terminate a person’s performance before its completion; to fire; to dismiss rudely. This expression stems from the custom in many local and national talent contests of ringing a bell or striking an Oriental-type gong to signify that, in the opinion of the judges, an act is so bad that it does not merit continuation. This concept has been popularized, if not vulgarized, by “The Gong Show,” a television series of the late 1970s.

turn up one’s nose at To regard with disdain, to show contempt for; to reject or refuse scornfully; snub.

What learning there was in those days … turned up its nose at the strains of the native minstrels. (Bayard Taylor, Studies in German Literature, 1879)

Dating from the early 19th century, this expression is perhaps an allusion to the way one wrinkles up one’s nose at a particularly distasteful odor, or to the way animals, especially dogs and cats, sniff at their food before eating and walk away if the smell fails to suit them. A similar phrase is to have one’s nose in the air ‘to be arrogant or condescending.’ The gestural equivalent of the expression consists of putting the forefinger under the tip of the nose and pushing it up slightly.

whistle [someone] down the wind To forsake, abandon, or discard. This expression appeared in Shakespeare’s Othello:

If I do prove her haggard,
Though that her jesses were my dear heartstrings,
I’d whistle her off and let her down the wind,
To prey at fortune. (III, iii)

In bygone days, a hawk was released against the wind when pursuing game. If the bird was being set free, however, it was released with the wind. In figurative usage, the expression often implies the jilting of a paramour.

Having accepted my love, you cannot whistle me down the wind as though I were of no account. (Anthony Trollope, Castle Richmond, 1860)

Noun1.rejection - the act of rejecting somethingrejection - the act of rejecting something; "his proposals were met with rejection"human action, human activity, act, deed - something that people do or cause to happenbrush-off - a curt or disdainful rejectionavoidance, shunning, turning away, dodging - deliberately avoiding; keeping away from or preventing from happeningabandonment, desertion, forsaking - the act of giving something upforgoing, forswearing, renunciation - the act of renouncing; sacrificing or giving up or surrendering (a possession or right or title or privilege etc.)nonacceptance, turndown - the act of refusing an offer; "the turndown was polite but very firm"banishment, proscription - rejection by means of an act of banishing or proscribing someonedisplacement - act of removing from office or employment
2.rejection - the state of being rejectedsituation, state of affairs - the general state of things; the combination of circumstances at a given time; "the present international situation is dangerous"; "wondered how such a state of affairs had come about"; "eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation"- Franklin D.Rooseveltapostasy, defection, renunciation - the state of having rejected your religious beliefs or your political party or a cause (often in favor of opposing beliefs or causes)disfavor, disfavour - the state of being out of favor; "he is in disfavor with the king"excommunication, censure, exclusion - the state of being excommunicatedreprobation - rejection by God; the state of being condemned to eternal misery in Hellacceptance - the state of being acceptable and accepted; "torn jeans received no acceptance at the country club"
3.rejection - (medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign; "rejection of the transplanted liver"medical specialty, medicine - the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniquesorganic phenomenon - (biology) a natural phenomenon involving living plants and animals
4.rejection - the speech act of rejectingspeech act - the use of language to perform some actrenunciation, repudiation - rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid; "Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated"repulse, snub, rebuff - an instance of driving away or warding offshort shrift, summary treatment - a brief and unsympathetic rejection; "they made short shrift of my request"


noun1. refusal, turning down, declining, dismissal, spurning, rebuff, knock-back, non-acceptance a clear rejection of the government's policies2. denial, veto, dismissal, exclusion, abandonment, spurning, casting off, disowning, thumbs down, renunciation, repudiation, eschewal his rejection of our values
denial approval, acceptance, affirmation
3. rebuff, refusal, knock-back (slang), kick in the teeth (slang), bum's rush (slang), the (old) heave-ho (informal), brushoff (slang) These feelings of rejection and hurt remain.
rebuff selection, acceptance


noun1. A negative response:nay, no, refusal.2. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or charge:contradiction, denial, disaffirmance, disaffirmation, disclaimer, negation.Law: traversal.3. A turning down of a request:denial, disallowance, refusal, turndown.


(rəˈdʒekt) verb to refuse to accept. She rejected his offer of help; He asked her to marry him, but she rejected him. 拒絕 拒绝 (ˈriːdʒekt) noun something that is rejected because it is faulty etc. 瑕疵品,被淘汰者 次品,废品 reˈjection (-ʃən) noun (an) act of rejecting. 拒絕 拒绝




[ri′jek·shən] (immunology) Destruction of a graft by the immune system of the recipient.

What does it mean when you dream about a rejection?

Rejection in a dream may suggest that there are feelings or situations the dreamer wants to be rid of.



 [re-jek´shun] the immune response of the recipient to foreign tissue cells (antigens) after homograft transplantation, with the production of antibodies and ultimate destruction of the transplanted organ. In hyperacute rejection, there is an immediate response against the graft because of the presence of preformed antibody, resulting in fibrin deposition, platelet aggregation, and neutrophilic infiltration. In acute rejection, the response occurs after the sixth day and then proceeds rapidly. It is characterized by loss of function of the transplanted organ and by pain and swelling, with leukocytosis and thrombocytopenia. In chronic rejection, there is gradual progressive loss of function of the transplanted organ with less severe symptoms than in the acute form.


(rē-jek'shŭn), 1. The immunologic response to incompatibility in a transplanted organ. 2. A refusal to accept, recognize, or grant; a denial. 3. Elimination of small ultrasonic echoes from display. [L. rejectio, a throwing back]


Immunology An immune reaction evoked by allografted organs; the prototypic rejection occurs in renal transplantation, which is subdivided into three clinicopathologic stages. See Cyclosporin A, Graft rejection, Graft-versus-host disease, Second set rejection, Tacrolimus, Transplant rejection. Rejection types
Hyperacute rejection Onset within minutes of anastomosis of blood supply, which is caused by circulating immune complexes; the kidneys are soft, cyanotic with stasis of blood in the glomerular capillaries, segmental thrombosis, necrosis, fibrin thrombi in glomerular tufts, interstitial hemorrhage, leukocytosis and sludging of PMNs and platelets, erythrocyte stasis, mesangial cell swelling, deposition of IgG, IgM, C3 in arterial walls Acute rejection Onset 2-60 days after transplantation, with interstitial vascular endothelial cell swelling, interstitial accumulation of lymphocytes, plasma cells, immunoblasts, macrophages, neutrophils; tubular separation with edema/necrosis of tubular epithelium; swelling and vacuolization of the endothelial cells, vascular edema, bleeding and inflammation, renal tubular necrosis, sclerosed glomeruli, tubular 'thyroidization' Clinical ↓ Creatinine clearance, malaise, fever, HTN, oliguria Chronic rejection Onset is late–often more than 60 days after transplantation, and frequently accompanied by acute changes superimposed, increased mesangial cells with myointimal proliferation and crescent formation; mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis, and interstitial fibrosis; there is in general a poor response to corticosteroids


(rĕ-jek'shŭn) 1. The immunologic response to incompatibility of a transplanted organ. 2. A refusal to accept, recognize, or grant; a denial. 3. Elimination of small ultrasonic echoes from display. [L. rejectio, a throwing back]


Rejection occurs when the body recognizes a new transplanted organ as "foreign" and turns on the immune system of the body.Mentioned in: Immunosuppressant Drugs, Kidney Transplantation



Refusal by a bank to grant credit, usually because of the applicants financial history, or refusal to accept a security presented to complete a trade, usually because of a lack of proper endorsements or violation of rules of a firm.


1. A bank's refusal to grant a line of credit. This often applies to the refusal to grant a mortgage loan to an uncreditworthy person or a business loan to someone without a proper business plan.

2. An investor's refusal to accept a security presented to him/her/it. Reasons for this include suspicion of fraud or improperly filled-out forms.

3. Refusal to provide insurance coverage because the insurance company believes that the claim describes a service or situation that the policy does not cover.


The refusal to accept a security that has been delivered by a customer or broker. A questionable certificate or an improper endorsement are reasons for rejection.


Related to rejection: Social rejection
  • noun

Synonyms for rejection

noun refusal


  • refusal
  • turning down
  • declining
  • dismissal
  • spurning
  • rebuff
  • knock-back
  • non-acceptance

noun denial


  • denial
  • veto
  • dismissal
  • exclusion
  • abandonment
  • spurning
  • casting off
  • disowning
  • thumbs down
  • renunciation
  • repudiation
  • eschewal


  • approval
  • acceptance
  • affirmation

noun rebuff


  • rebuff
  • refusal
  • knock-back
  • kick in the teeth
  • bum's rush
  • the (old) heave-ho
  • brushoff


  • selection
  • acceptance

Synonyms for rejection

noun a negative response


  • nay
  • no
  • refusal

noun a refusal to grant the truth of a statement or charge


  • contradiction
  • denial
  • disaffirmance
  • disaffirmation
  • disclaimer
  • negation
  • traversal

noun a turning down of a request


  • denial
  • disallowance
  • refusal
  • turndown

Antonyms for rejection

noun the act of rejecting something

Related Words

  • human action
  • human activity
  • act
  • deed
  • brush-off
  • avoidance
  • shunning
  • turning away
  • dodging
  • abandonment
  • desertion
  • forsaking
  • forgoing
  • forswearing
  • renunciation
  • nonacceptance
  • turndown
  • banishment
  • proscription
  • displacement

noun the state of being rejected

Related Words

  • situation
  • state of affairs
  • apostasy
  • defection
  • renunciation
  • disfavor
  • disfavour
  • excommunication
  • censure
  • exclusion
  • reprobation


  • acceptance

noun (medicine) an immunological response that refuses to accept substances or organisms that are recognized as foreign

Related Words

  • medical specialty
  • medicine
  • organic phenomenon

noun the speech act of rejecting

Related Words

  • speech act
  • renunciation
  • repudiation
  • repulse
  • snub
  • rebuff
  • short shrift
  • summary treatment




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