Acronym | Definition |
PHA➣Phoenix (Amtrak airport station code; Phoenix, AZ) |
PHA➣Phase |
PHA➣Periodic Health Assessment (US Army) |
PHA➣Public Housing Authority |
PHA➣Public Health Association (various organizations) |
PHA➣Phytohemagglutinin (a polyclonal T-cell activator) |
PHA➣Process Hazard Analysis |
PHA➣Pulmonary Hypertension Association (Silver Spring, MD; formerly United Patients Association for Pulmonary Hypertension) |
PHA➣Pure Hyaluronic Acid |
PHA➣Public Health Act (various locations) |
PHA➣Philadelphia Housing Authority (Philadelphia, PA) |
PHA➣Public Housing Assessment |
PHA➣Public Health Advisory (US FDA) |
PHA➣Polyhydroxyalkanoate |
PHA➣Prince Hall Affiliated (Freemason) |
PHA➣Personal Health Assessment |
PHA➣Pyeong Hwa Automotive |
PHA➣Peer Health Advocates (various schools) |
PHA➣People living with HIV/AIDS |
PHA➣Preliminary Hazard Analysis |
PHA➣Peak Horizontal Acceleration (engineering) |
PHA➣Public Health Administrator |
PHA➣Providence Housing Authority (Rhode Island) |
PHA➣Public Housing Administration |
PHA➣Potentially Hazardous Asteroid |
PHA➣Preventive Health Assessment |
PHA➣Portland Housing Authority (Portland, ME) |
PHA➣Pakistan Housing Authority |
PHA➣People's Health Assembly |
PHA➣Public Highway Authority |
PHA➣Partnership for Health and Accountability (Georgia) |
PHA➣Pelger-Huet Anomaly |
PHA➣Physical Health Assessment |
PHA➣Public Health Association of Australia |
PHA➣Project Home Again (various locations) |
PHA➣Philippine Hospital Association |
PHA➣Palomino Horse Association |
PHA➣Pinto Horse Association |
PHA➣Protocol Handler (ATM) |
PHA➣Push Accumulator on Stack (6502 processor instruction) |
PHA➣Position Hazard Analysis (USACE safety management action plan) |
PHA➣Personnel Holding Area (US Army) |
PHA➣Preventative Health Assessment |
PHA➣Production Handling Agreement |
PHA➣Pullet Hatcheries Association (UK) |
PHA➣Pulse Height Analyzer/Analysis |
PHA➣Pyramidal-Horn Antenna |
PHA➣Pulpwood Harvesting Area (forestry) |
PHA➣President's House Association (Georgetown College; Kentucky) |
PHA➣Passenger Hold Area |