Reiter, Maks
Reiter, Maks Andreevich
Born Apr. 12 (24), 1886, in the city of Vindava, present-day Ventspils, Latvian SSR; died Apr. 6, 1950, in Moscow. Russian military commander; colonel general (1943). Member of the CPSU from 1922. Son of a Latvian peasant.
Reiter joined the army in 1906 and graduated from the Irkutsk Military School in 1910. He served in World War I as a colonel. In the Red Army from 1919, Reiter fought in the Civil War of 1918–20 and in the suppression of the Kronstadt Rebellion of 1921 and served as the commander of a rifle regiment and a rifle brigade. He graduated from the Higher Academic Training Courses for the Command Staff” in 1923 and from the M. V. Frunze Military Academy in 1935.
In the Great Patriotic War (1941–45), Reiter served as deputy commander of the rear-echelon troops of the Central and Briansk fronts from August to December 1941, assistant commander of the Western Front in February-March 1942, commander of the Twentieth Army of the Western Front from March to September 1942, commander of the Briansk Front from September 1942 to June 1943, and deputy commander of the Voronezh Front in August-September 1943. Reiter was commander of the Southern Urals Military District from 1943 to 1945. In January 1946 he was appointed chief of Vystrel, the Higher Infantry School of the Soviet Army.
Reiter was awarded the Order of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Suvorov First Class, and various medals.